His driver dropped him off at his Georgetown townhouse and he was grateful to stand under the hot water in his shower, allowing it to soak使濕透 and soothe真實 away the night’s excesses超過. By the time he’d finished up and cleaned his teeth the Advil had kicked in and he was feeling more human. He pulled a clean suit out of his closet and had just finished dressing when his cell phone rang. He suspected it was Gary, calling him to ask where he was and did he know there was a broken glass and suspicious wall stain in his office, so he pulled it out with a grimace.
「Gary - I know about…」 he began, only to find himself interrupted by Tony’s terse, worried voice.
「Tim - it’s Louis and Gibbs,」 he said. 「They’re gone.」
「What do you mean, gone?」 McGee asked blankly茫然地, trying to figure out what Tony was telling him.
「Gone - Louis’s bed is mussed up弄亂, but Gibbs never went to bed last night by the look of it and…」
「Maybe they just got up early and went for a walk?」 McGee suggested.
「I’ve found a pool一片 of blood in Louis’s bedroom,」 Tony hissed urgently, sounding as if he was going to throw up. 「Tim, I think someone’s taken them.」
「Who would want to kidnap綁架 Louis and Gibbs?」 McGee asked, reaching for his badge徽章 and gun and running for the door.
「Jonssen of course,」 Tony replied angrily. 「He knows we’re onto something with Stackton and he’s trying to scare us off.」
「Tony - just stay there. I’ve got the car outside. I'm leaving right now. I’ll be with you as soon as I can,」 McGee told him, and then he ended the call and started dialling all the people he’d need.
His heart was racing競跑 but he tried to think about it logically邏輯. If Louis and Gibbs had been kidnapped then Tony was right - Jonssen was first on the list - but McGee had worked with Gibbs for too long to just go with what was obvious. They had to explore other possibilities. Even so, this moved Stackton up the urgency list. He put in a call to Carter and told him to get Stackton back into the interrogation room immediately and start working on him. Then he called security and doubled the detail on their suspect.
「Are you expecting someone to try and break him out, sir?」 the security chief asked, in a puzzled tone.
「No, I’m expecting someone to try and kill him,」 he said grimly.
「Any idea who?」
「Yes - Agent DiNozzo. Do NOT allow him anywhere near that prisoner unless I’m with him.」
Right now, Stackton was the only lead they had on Jonssen and McGee knew enough about Tony to suspect that he’d be physically完全地 incapable of doing anything except beat the man to a pulp使稀爛 if he thought he’d had anything to do with this kidnapping - and that wouldn’t get Louis and Gibbs back.McGee ran out of the car the minute they pulled up outside Tony’s house in Vienna. Tony had bought the place with Abby when they got married; it was a nice house, three bedrooms, a yard for Louis to play in, and a large garage車庫 - where Gibbs was building boat number five or whatever number they were up to now. This boat was a big one though - bigger than any of the others, and he’d been working on it ever since he’d moved in. McGee had often wondered if they’d ever get to see this one actually sail anywhere. There was at least the possibility because Gibbs would be able to get the damn thing out of the garage, something that would have been a physical impossibility不可能地 with all those boats he’d built in his basement.
McGee remembered what Gibbs had said about Tony inheriting繼承 a fortune from his father and wondered why he’d never moved anywhere bigger - the Vienna house was nice but it wasn’t anything fancy. Then again, Tony hadn’t been interested in anything except his revenge since Abby died so house-hunting probably hadn’t even crossed his mind.
The front door was open so McGee pushed his way inside to find Tony pacing up and down in the hallway anxiously, waiting for him.
「McGee - you have to let me question Stackton,」 he said, grabbing McGee’s arm the minute he stepped through the door.
「Hang on just a minute, Tony,」 McGee told him, putting a hand on his shoulder and squeezing hard, trying to calm him. 「I’ve called in a team of agents - let’s treat this as a crime scene and learn what we can here first before chasing off in what might be the wrong direction.」
「Oh, come on, McGee!」 Tony roared. 「We pull in Stackton for questioning and the same night Gibbs and Louis get kidnapped! I *know* Gibbs beat the same lesson into you as he did to me - we don’t believe in coincidences巧合.」
「No, we don’t - but we don’t have enough facts yet to know that’s what this is and I wouldn’t be doing my job properly if I didn’t investigate調查 the crime scene thoroughly before running off on a hunch - Gibbs also beat that lesson into me, same as he did to you.」
Tony glared at him, and then glanced over his shoulder as three NCIS vans小貨車 pulled up outside.
「See you brought the cavalry裝甲部隊 with you,」 he murmured.
「Of course - this is Gibbs and Louis we’re talking about,」 McGee told him, still gripping握的 Tony’s shoulder firmly. 「I’ll throw every resource NCIS has at it. What I won’t do is chase after a hunch without doing a proper investigation first. Got it, Tony?」
Tony didn’t look happy about it but he nodded, stiffly. 「Got it.」
McGee let go of him and turned to brief簡短地 Morris and put her in charge of his teams, and then he turned back to Tony.
「Okay - talk me through what happened when you got home, Tony,」 he said, in a soothing voice.
Tony glared at him. 「Christ, McGee - don’t use that stupid tone of voice with me. We’re just wasting time with this. I’ve already figured out what happened here - what we need to do is get back to NCIS and start putting some pressure on Stackton.」
「*We* don’t need to do anything. *I* am the senior investigating agent here - not you,」 McGee told him. 「In fact you’re not investigating anything - you’re a witness.」
「And a suspect?」 Tony growled. 「Come on, Tim - you and I both know that you rule out close family members first.」
「Tony I know you didn’t do this,」 McGee told him gently. 「But I also know that you’re in no fit shape狀態 to head up the investigation, either. Now I can assign分配 someone else if you’d prefer, but I’d rather do it myself.」
「No.」 Tony shook his head. 「Nobody else. You’re the only one I trust to do this right, McGee.」
「Then talk me through what happened when you got home this morning,」 McGee coaxed.
Tony nodded, his jaw tightening. 「Okay. It was about 5.30. Gibbs usually gets up early but not that early…」
「What time?」 McGee interrupted. 「What time does he usually get up?」
「Around six. And he usually gets Louis up around seven if he hasn’t already started charging around the house by then. So, it was around 5.30, and I didn’t want to wake them so I went up to the bathroom, took a shower, shaved刮鬍子, cleaned my teeth and then I went and got dressed.」
McGee glanced at him. It was rare these days that Tony wore one of those snappy時髦的 suits he used to live in. Nowadays his usual work uniform相同地 was jeans and a shirt and that was what he was wearing now, together with a pair of heavy duty義務 boots. His hair was washed, and he had shaved and smelled a hell of a lot better now than he had a couple of hours ago so his story panned out so far. Despite what he’d said to Tony, as an experienced investigator McGee couldn’t ignore the fact that in any normal investigation of this kind Tony would be their number one suspect; Tony was right about that much at least.
「Go on.」 McGee nodded.
「I went down to the kitchen to eat something, and then I thought it was kind of weird that Gibbs wasn’t up so I went back upstairs.」
「Show me,」 McGee said.
Tony nodded, and McGee followed him up the stairs. He peered into the bathroom, and saw a sodden溼透的 towel on the floor and the clothes Tony had been wearing the previous先前的 day hanging out of the laundry洗衣房 hamper in the corner.
「So then what?」 McGee asked. 「You went to check on Gibbs?」
McGee started moving down the hallway towards the spare剩下 room; he opened the door and then glanced back at Tony, who was still standing outside the bathroom, an uncertain look on his face.
「Tony? You came in here to check on Gibbs?」 McGee questioned. He’d hadn’t been upstairs in this house very often but he’d occasionally read Louis a bedtime story on the evenings when he’d dropped by順便拜訪 to see the little boy, so he knew the general一般的 layout佈局 of the house, and where the main bedroom, spare bedroom and Louis’s room were.
McGee glanced into the spare room. It looked kind of unlived in, and there was a pile of clean laundry on the bed, along with some of Louis’s toys and books. McGee frowned. Something about this didn’t feel right.
He glanced back at Tony to find him still hesitating by the bathroom door, a glimmer閃爍不定 of uncertainty flickering in his eyes, as if he had something to hide. McGee wondered what the hell that was about. What could there possibly be that Tony didn’t want McGee to find out? Surely he hadn’t really had anything to with the disappearance of his son?
McGee dismissed that thought immediately. Apart from anything else he doubted不能肯定 that Tony would have had the time, after leaving him at NCIS, to come home, do something to Louis and Gibbs, and then take a shower, get shaved and call him, even if he had a motive動機 for hurting either of them, which McGee was sure he didn’t. He knew Tony could get into some pretty fierce殘酷的 rages these days but Gibbs could always talk him down from them, and even at his worst McGee didn’t think it was even remotely possible that Tony either could or would hurt their ex-boss or his own little boy. So what else did Tony have to hide?
「Tony?」 he asked again, still standing in the spare room doorway.
「Gibbs doesn’t sleep in there,」 Tony said finally. 「He sleeps in here.」 He opened the door to the main bedroom and McGee walked back down the hallway and stepped inside. Now *this* room looked lived in. The bed was still made, so Tony was probably right about it not having been slept in.
「Does Gibbs make the bed as soon as he gets up?」 he asked. Tony shook his head.
「Not usually - which was why I thought it was weird that it hasn’t been slept in.」
McGee glanced around the room. It had a feel of Gibbs to it. There was a newspaper on one of the nightstands and a couple of books - thrillers恐怖小說 by the look of them, with big titles in silver lettering. They were the kind of books he’d once written, a lifetime ago, before life got too busy, too sad and too complicated複雜的 and his creative spirit just curled up and died. There was also a handful of loose change, a pair of glasses, and a child’s sippy cup. That side of the room looked neat and tidy but the other half was a mess.
On the other nightstand stood a clock radio, a half-eaten bag of popcorn, and a stack of DVDs, with titles ranging廣泛搜索 from Shrek, Monsters Inc, and The Barnaby Twins to Casablanca, North by Northwest and The Bourne Paradox. Around the far side of the bed were some discarded clothes, several pairs of boots and sneakers運動鞋, a stack of old magazines and, for some mysterious reason, a squished and completely unusable不能再用的 basketball.
在其他的床頭櫃上豎著音樂時鐘,一包吃了一半的爆米花,還有一堆DVD,大概看了一下片名有Shrek(史瑞克1),Monsters Inc(怪獸電力公司),以及The Barnaby Twins to Casablanca,North by Northwest(北西北,1959)和The Bourne Paradox。在離床遠一點的地方有一些丟著的衣服,幾雙靴子及運動鞋,一疊舊的雜誌以及,有著某些神祕理由的,一顆已經沒氣扁掉又完全不能使用的籃球。
Opposite the bed was a large screen TV, fixed固定 to the wall - no mean feat功績 considering how huge it was, but then McGee guessed that had been an easy enough job for someone like Gibbs. Beneath that was a cupboard櫥櫃 containing a DVD player and a download hub集線器.
「So Gibbs wasn’t here…which already made me feel uneasy,」 Tony said. 「I thought maybe he could have snuck溜走 out while I was in the shower - but why? I already knew he wasn’t in the spare room because I’d got changed in there - we kind of use it to store the clean laundry. So…」
「Hang on - if you use the spare room for the laundry then where do you sleep?」 McGee frowned. 「On the couch?」
Tony made a face at him, as if he was really slow not to have figured this out already.
「No - I sleep in here. With Gibbs,」 Tony said, and then he leaned back against the wall and gazed at McGee steadily, daring him to say something. McGee dared.
「In here? With Gibbs?」 However hard he tried he couldn’t quite put that information together in a way that made any kind of sense.
「In here. With Gibbs,」 Tony repeated firmly. 「When I’m not drunk. When I am, I sleep on your office couch or in a motel. Or sometimes in the garage, under that damn boat Gibbs is building - although he doesn’t know that I do that.」
McGee was still hung up焦慮 on the 「In here. With Gibbs」 part.
「You sleep in the same bed?」 he asked, and even then his mind still refused to accept the most obvious reason for such an arrangement. 「Why?」
Tony rolled his eyes. 「Because we’re together, McGee, and so we can have sex, obviously,」 he replied. 「Why the hell else?」
「You have sex? With Gibbs?」 McGee was aware that he kept asking really inane questions, but he just couldn’t get his head around this.
「Yes, McGee. I do. We do,」 Tony said slowly, as if he was talking to a child Louis’s age. 「Look, my kid and my - what do you want to call it? - partner, boyfriend, lover, whatever, although I’m pretty sure he’d hate all those terms措辭 - are missing, so could we get over your homophobic恐同 freakout and start looking for them?」
「I’m not having a homophobic freakout!」 McGee protested. 「I’m just trying to…you and Gibbs?」
He shook his head and glanced around again, suddenly realising why half the room was ex-Marine tidy while the other half was DiNozzo messy. Those DVD titles and the popcorn made sense as well, as did the enormous巨大的 TV screen - since when had Gibbs ever been particularly into watching movies?
「Since when?」 McGee asked.
「Is it relevant有關的 to the investigation?」 Tony glowered.
「It might be.」 McGee shrugged. Tony glared at him, and then hunched his shoulders.
「Since the first anniversary周年紀念日 of Abby’s death,」 he muttered. 「I was feeling pretty low that day and drank myself into the ground. He yelled at me - told me never to come home drunk like that again because he never wanted Louis to see me that way. I threw up放棄 all over myself - and him.」 Tony winced. 「He cleaned me up, put me to bed, and the next day, when I was sober, we did some talking - and in my case some crying. I was in a bad way - I was falling apart and he put me back together the best way he knew how. And he’s stuck around ever since to make sure I stay that way. Even if he knows I’m just held together with band-aids and string.」
McGee shook his head, feeling an irrational不合理的 surge of anger. 「How the hell do you do it, Tony?」 he asked. 「You had Ziva and Abby, and now Gibbs.」
「I never &had’ Ziva,」 Tony growled. 「We were just friends.」
「Oh.」 McGee wasn’t sure why but that surprised him. 「I always thought you and she…」
「No.」 Tony shook his head. 「Hell, that would have been a disaster. If we’d ever slept together - which, admittedly無可否認地, would have been totally hot - we’d have had to kill each other afterwards.」
「But Gibbs, Tony?」 McGee felt oddly affronted, as if Tony and Gibbs had got together just to spite刁難 him. 「Were you thinking of working your way through the entire team?」
「You’re jealous that I never got around to you?」 Tony raised an eyebrow. 「Not that you’re not cute but…」
「No! I just…why you? What is it about *you* that’s so damn irresistible不可抵抗的 that first Abby fell for it and then Gibbs, of all people? I mean, why YOU for god’s sake?」 McGee snapped irritably. 「I suppose I can just about understand why Abby chose you but Gibbs.」 He shook his head. 「How did *you* end up with Gibbs?」
「What - you wanted Gibbs too?」 Tony’s raised eyebrow crawled into his hairline.
「Well, no, obviously,」 McGee sighed. 「But since when have either of you been gay?」
「Are you kidding? I’ve had the hots for Gibbs since I first joined his team,」 Tony replied. 「Sure, I slept with a lot of women, but I also slept with a lot of men - I just didn’t talk about it. I like sex, McGee. Hell, I *need* sex - always have. I need it to function功能, and I've never been that fussy過於講究的 about the gender性 of the people I sleep with although I'm not stupid enough to broadcast that fact. I never thought anything would happen with Gibbs until it did - there could never have been another woman for me after Abby in any case. There couldn’t even have been a guy unless it was Gibbs. Maybe he knew that, and maybe he knew how much I needed to be touched. Either way無論哪種方式, he made it happen, not me - I was too fucked up to make anything happen.」
「And Gibbs? He’s gay?」 There was absolutely完全地 no way in which that phrase措辭 fitted into McGee’s worldview.
「Well gee, considering he’s had four wives I’d assume that he’s bi too, McGee,」 Tony said sarcastically挖苦地.
「You’d assume? You don’t know? I mean, you haven’t talked about it?」 McGee frowned. Tony rolled his eyes.
「We’re guys, Tim. We don’t talk about stuff like that. I assume he’s been with men before because he sure as hell knows what he’s doing in bed but no, I never asked him who he’d been with before me because I don’t really care.」 Tony shrugged. 「Now, can we move on with this?」
His jaw tightened and McGee nodded. Unlike Tony, he *did* think this kind of background was relevant - it was certainly a line of questioning Gibbs would have pursued - but he understood Tony’s sense of urgency催促. He would have to file this away and come to terms with it later, when they got Louis and Gibbs back - because they WOULD get them back. McGee was determined決然的 about that.
「Okay. Go on.」
「I had a feeling something was wrong so I checked in the nightstand drawer for Gibbs’s gun. He keeps the drawer locked, so Louis can’t get at it.」 Tony gestured with his head. 「The gun’s still there if you want to take a look. So I was running now, calling their names. I ran out of the room, down the hallway…」
McGee followed him as Tony went to Louis’s room. He knew this room well; it was decorated裝飾 in giant巨大的 cartoons which Abby had painted on the walls in bright colours.
McGee stopped in the doorway. The rest of the house seemed untouched原樣的 but there were definite明確的 signs of a struggle掙扎 in here. A rocking chair搖椅 was over-turned推翻, and…and his stomach heaved as he saw a small pool of blood on the floor. Next to the upturned翻轉過來的 chair, lying half open, was a similar looking book to those he’d seen on Gibbs’s nightstand back in the main bedroom. A child’s night lamp was still alight on the nightstand, as was a small reading lamp on a table by the upturned chair. Whatever had happened here had clearly taken place during the hours of darkness.
「Louis has a vivid生動的 imagination想像力,」 Tony said quietly. 「And sometimes he can’t sleep. Gibbs comes in here and sits in the rocking chair and reads his book for half an hour or so while Louis drops off to sleep. Gibbs is the monster-scarer, according to Louis, and Gibbs always promised him that no monster would ever get past him to get to Louis.」
「Looks like one did last night,」 McGee muttered, glancing around.
「Yeah - but not without a fight,」 Tony replied darkly. 「Look - I was thinking this through while I waited for you to get here and here’s how I think it went. It was maybe around 7pm - I’d spent the afternoon with them and we’d eaten dinner. Then I headed off out. Gibbs gave Louis his bath and put him to bed, same as always. Then he sat down on the rocking chair with his book the way he often does if Louis asks him to stay for awhile. He doesn’t do it every night, just when Louis asks. Louis has a spidey-sense蜘蛛俠般的直覺 for monsters and he always knows when they’re on the prowl徘徊 and he needs Gibbs to stay and scare them away. So Louis is maybe asleep, or nearly asleep, and Gibbs hears a noise outside, on the stairs. He doesn’t have his gun - that’s locked away in his room - so he gets up quietly, opens the door, and finds someone just outside the room.」
「Just one person?」 McGee asked. Tony nodded.
「Yes - more than one and he might not have been able to put up such a good fight. So he sees this guy in the hallway and sees immediately that this guy has a gun. So Gibbs tries to shut the door on him but the intruder侵入者 has the element…的氣味 of surprise and he shoots at Gibbs as Gibbs closes the door - just one shot but Gibbs is winged弄傷手臂.」
Tony pointed at the small pool of blood on the floor, and then moved his arm in a circle to a small indentation凹痕 in the wall behind him.
「Bullet is still in there - we need to get it to forensics immediately. So, Gibbs has been hurt but I’m thinking not too badly - maybe a flesh wound in his arm - something that bleeds but isn’t so bad that he can’t fight back. I don’t think this guy intended to kill him in any case - just make him easier to order around.」
「So you think Gibbs is still alive?」 McGee asked quietly. Tony met his gaze, both of them going very still, and then nodded.
「He’s alive. There’s not enough blood loss for the shot to have killed him - plus, you know, he’s Gibbs. It’d take a silver bullet and a stake through the heart to kill him and even then I wouldn’t bet on him staying dead.」 Tony managed a wry, faded grin and McGee gave a little grunt of acknowledgement對權威/功績等的確認.
「Okay - now Gibbs has been hurt but there’s no way he’s going to let some psycho anywhere near Louis if he can help it, so he gets up again just as the gunman comes through the door.」
Tony pointed at the boot print in the blood stain on the floor. 「That’s Gibbs’s boot print - I’m sure of that,」 he said.
McGee accepted that without question. Being able to tell the kind of shoe or boot a print was made from was one of Tony’s special, if somewhat peculiar獨具的, talents.
「He puts up a good fight and maybe the gunman doesn’t want to make more noise than he already has in case the neighbours come running, or maybe the plan is to take Gibbs alive so he doesn't want to shoot him again. Whatever - by now Louis is obviously awake and Gibbs is hampered by needing to protect him - and this guy has a gun too so it’s not a fair fight. There’s some kind of a struggle because the chair has been knocked over but at some point Gibbs goes down again and Louis…」 Tony’s voice went a little hoarse. 「Instead of doing the sensible明顯的 thing and running out of there while the fight is going on, the brave little guy goes over to Gibbs to help him. Look.」
Tony pointed at the small child’s footprint in the blood. 「Gibbs is too concerned for Louis’s safety to do more than go along with whatever this guy has planned at this point. So he picks Louis up - probably at gunpoint.」
「How do you know he picks Louis up?」 McGee frowned.
「No more of Louis’s footprints,」 Tony pointed out. 「Not on the floor anyway - but there’s this…」 He gestured to a mark on the door, half-way up. 「You can get your teams onto that but I think that was made by the side of Louis’s foot brushing against the door as Gibbs carried him out. They walk downstairs…see, you can just about make out the faint outline輪廓 of the blood on Gibbs’s right boot as he walks.」 McGee followed Tony out of the room, along the hallway and down the stairs.
「Gibbs opens the front door.」 Tony gestured with his head at a slight微小的 bloodstain血跡 on the door handle把手. 「Presumably想必 because this guy is behind him with a gun held to his head. They go outside, and…I’m not sure about this but I think the guy has a car out here. He gets Gibbs to open the trunk and he makes Louis and Gibbs get inside. Maybe he ties Gibbs’s hands behind his back - I don’t know.」
「Why do you think he has a car?」 McGee asked.
「Well, it was dark but even so he had to have something parked close to the house - right up here on the driveway - or else someone would have seen a man holding a gun on a blood-stained guy carrying a small child and reported it - wouldn’t they?」
「Probably.」 McGee nodded, thinking Tony seemed to have it all about right. He wasn’t McGee’s most senior agent for nothing - he had years of experience of crime scene investigations behind him and he’d solved almost as many hard cases in his time as Gibbs. They were now standing outside the half-open garage door. 「Did you check in there?」
「Yeah - that’s why it’s open. They’re not in there and there’s no blood in there either,」 Tony said tightly. McGee could only imagine what it must have been like for him to open that door - if the gunman had wanted Louis and Gibbs dead then that was the most likely place for him to have dumped傾倒 their bodies.
「How did the gunman get into the house in the first place?」 McGee asked, examining the front door. 「No sign of forced entry.」
「You know Gibbs - he doesn’t always remember to lock the front door when he’s in the house,」 Tony said. 「He does at least lock it before going to bed most times but he was hours away from going to bed when this happened.」
McGee sighed - that sounded like Gibbs. He doubted the man would lock the door at all if it wasn’t for the fact that Louis lived here too.
「Okay - I’ll get the teams testing the blood and sweeping the place for prints,」 McGee said, beckoning招喚 Agent Morris over. He filled her in quickly and she frowned.
「How do you know it was Mr. Gibbs’s blood, sir?」 she asked.
「We don’t,」 McGee replied. 「We’re just hoping it is,」 he added grimly.
「Hoping?」 She raised a surprised eyebrow.
「Because if it isn’t Gibbs’s blood then it’s probably Louis’s and none of us want to think about that possibility,」 McGee growled at her, watching her eyes darken with anxiety as he spoke. Everyone at NCIS adored Louis - he was like his mother, and had the ability才能 to charm people with his happy nature and good heart wherever he went.
At that moment Ducky’s ancient古老的 roadster敞篷小客車 drew up and the elderly doctor got out and hurried over to McGee.
「I got here as soon as I could,」 he said. 「What do we know?」 McGee filled him in. When he’d finished, Ducky glanced around. 「Any suspects?」
「Well there’s the obvious one - Jonssen. Tony’s convinced it’s him but…」 McGee paused, and shook his head.
「Maybe it’s a little *too* obvious?」 Ducky asked.
「Yeah. The other thing I thought…you know we were talking in the restaurant yesterday and Gibbs said we had to rein韁繩 Tony in…you don’t think…he wouldn’t stage anything like this, would he?」 McGee asked. Ducky looked horrified.
「No,」 he said. 「Absolutely not! My dear boy, what were you thinking?」
「That’s he’s staged things before without telling us,」 McGee replied grimly, remembering a couple of ops作戰方式 Gibbs had sent them on where he hadn’t been entirely up front with them.
「Timothy this is completely different!」 Ducky remonstrated告誡. 「Besides, Gibbs, better than anyone, knows just what a powder粉末 keg小桶的重量 Anthony is. There’s no way he’d risk sending him over the edge by doing something like this. He simply wouldn’t.」
「Thank you,」 McGee said, relieved. 「I didn’t think so but I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t consider it as a possibility.」
「Well you can rule it out,」 Ducky said firmly. 「Now, what do you want me to do, my dear boy?」
「Go keep an eye on Tony,」 McGee said. 「I’m going to lead the investigation and I don’t want to worry about him going off somewhere on his own and doing something stupid. Here…」 He pulled a little device out of his pocket, no bigger than a dime, that Morris had given him earlier. 「Get this on him. It’s a GPS locator. If he does go off the grid then he knows I’ll trace his cell phone so he’ll turn it off. If we get this on him then at least we’ll be able to track him without him knowing. You can get it on him without him noticing can’t you?」
「Of course.」 Ducky grinned, and took the device. McGee turned to go but Ducky put a hand on his arm and pulled him back. 「You will find them, Timothy,」 he said. 「I have every faith in you.」
McGee felt a bit better knowing that. He wasn’t used to cases being this personal私人的. He loved all these people and the knowledge that if he made a wrong turn he might lose any of them weighed heavily on him, making his gut內臟 churn劇烈攪動. It wasn’t just Gibbs and Louis he had to worry about - he knew that. If anything happened to either one of them, or, god forbid, both of them, then there was no way Tony was coming back from that. He’d come back from too much already and there were no reserves預備 left in him for that kind of a journey旅程. If they lost Gibbs and Louis then they’d lose Tony too.
「Thanks, Ducky,」 McGee said, with a tight smile.
His cell phone rang and he pulled it out and walked over to the garage to answer it, away from the melee, so he could hear.
「Sir - it’s Carter.」
「What have you got for me, Carter?」 he asked tersely, glancing into the open garage door. The boat Gibbs was building was a beauty - and nearly finished too by the look of her. There was just one section區塊 that needed varnishing亮光漆, and, inevitably必然地, she didn’t yet have a name. McGee wondered what Gibbs intended to call this one.
「I’ve been leaning on Stackton for the past hour and he’s scared - very scared,」 Carter said. 「He knows something - he’s hiding something - but I’m not sure this is what he’s hiding, sir.」
「What do you mean?」 McGee frowned. He wandered into the garage and reached out a hand to touch the shiny, varnished wood.
「Well, I told him we knew what Jonssen was up to - and he clammed up變為沉默 on me just like he did yesterday - but when I later mentioned about Gibbs and the little kid, well, it was almost like he was relieved - and kind of surprised. I’m not sure, but I think he thought we were onto something else - not this.」
「You *think*?」 McGee demanded, in his best Gibbs voice. 「I need more than just your damn thoughts, Carter. I need to know if we follow up Jonssen or we look for someone else. Gibbs and Louis don’t have the time for us to get this wrong. So do you think this is Jonssen’s work or not?」
Carter hesitated. 「I’m not sure, sir,」 he muttered.
「Not good enough!」 McGee growled. 「What does your gut say, Agent Carter? Just tell me what your gut says.」
He heard Carter take a deep breath. 「My gut tells me that Jonssen didn’t do this, sir. But he’s done something else - something Stackton knows about but doesn’t want us to find out.」
「Okay. Good,」 McGee said. 「You go back in there and find out exactly what it is Stackton doesn’t want us to find out and I’ll chase up other leads. If anything changes, if you have *any* new leads for me, you call me straight away - understood?」
「Yes sir.」
McGee cut the connection and turned around, to find Tony gazing at him from the garage door.
「Any news?」
「It’s not Jonssen,」 McGee replied, striding past him on his way back out.
「What? Don’t be a damned idiot, McGee!」 Tony roared, grabbing his shoulder and pulling him back. 「Of course it’s Jonssen!」
「Tony - this is my call and I say it isn’t,」 McGee snapped, brushing Tony’s hand off his shoulder. 「I’m not ruling it out排除 for good - I’m just saying I don’t think it’s him so I’m not throwing all our resources得救的希望 at it and ignoring other avenues途徑 of investigation.」
「*What* other avenues of investigation?」 Tony asked incredulously. 「Who the hell *else* would want to kidnap Louis and Gibbs? Jonssen knows I have a personal vendetta世仇 against him, he knows I have enough on him to haul his sorry ass in for questioning the minute I can find out where the hell he is, and he’s taunting嘲弄 me. He’s smarting because I pulled in Stackton and he wants to scare me away.」
「I know - it does all sound very logical,」 McGee said quietly. 「But it’s just a little too neat for a man who hasn’t even set foot in the country, as far as we know, in three years. How did he even know you’d arrested逮捕 Stackton? And if he DID know, how did he manage to get someone out to your house to kidnap Louis and Gibbs so fast?」
「He’s a wealthy富裕的 man. He has resources,」 Tony muttered darkly.
「Maybe - and maybe he did do this, but if so, for what reason? What does he hope to gain獲得 by it? He must know we’d chase after Louis and Gibbs - and that eventually we’d trace their kidnapping back to him. One thing we’ve always known about Jonssen is that he’s cautious十分小心的 where his own personal freedom is concerned and does everything he can to protect it. Would he risk this over Stackton? A man who might or might not talk? Wouldn’t it be better if he just waited it out to see if Stackton *does* talk?」
「Depends what Stackton is hiding,」 Tony growled.
「Tony - can you think of anyone else who might have a vendetta against you?」 McGee asked. Tony’s face split into a dark grin.
「A couple of thousand,」 he said. 「Where shall I start?」
McGee sighed, and then a thought occurred to在…心裡出現 him. 「Gibbs told me you came into some money a couple of years ago,」 he said. 「Could this be a ransom demand?」
「If so, they’ve forgotten to actually *make* the demand,」 Tony pointed out.
「But you’re good for it if someone does?」 McGee asked. Tony shrugged.
「Are you asking me how much I’m worth, McGee?」
「Yes I am. Money is the most likely motive in my view.」
「Nobody apart from除…之外 Gibbs knows how much I’m worth,」 Tony argued. 「I don’t live anywhere ostentatious奢侈, and I still go to work every day. There’s no reason for anyone to assume I have any money.」
「But your father was a well-known, wealthy businessman, and you’re his only child. It might not be too hard to figure out,」 McGee said. 「How much did he leave you, Tony?」
「A hundred.」 Tony shrugged.
「A hundred thousand? That’s not enough to…」
「A hundred million,」 Tony interrupted.
「What?」 McGee was aghast. 「And you still think Jonssen is more likely than a kidnapping when you’re sitting on that kind of money?」
「It’s probably more now. I haven’t touched any of it.」 Tony shrugged again. 「Or at least not much of it. I don’t care about the money.」
McGee thought that was another thing that had changed; Tony had always kind of liked money, back when he hadn’t had that much of it.
「Tony - you have to at least consider that having that kind of money does make kidnapping for ransom a viable可實行的 possibility.」
「Okay. Maybe.」 Tony shrugged.
「Have you checked your cell phone? Has anyone tried to call you and make a demand?」
「Yes I’ve checked and nobody has called.」 Tony got his phone out of his pocket and waved it at McGee, and that gave McGee another thought.
「Did you try Gibbs’s cell phone?」 he asked.
「Well duh表示不快 - why didn’t I think of that, Mr Director, sir,」 Tony growled sarcastically. 「Yes, I tried Gibbs’s cell phone. No reply.」
「這問題問得真好(Well duh)—為什麼我不會想到這一步呢,處長先生,長官。」Tony諷刺地咆哮道。「當然,我試打過Gibbs的手機了。沒有回應。」
「Would he have had it on him if he was just in the house reading?」 McGee frowned. 「Did you find it anywhere in the house?」
「No - but I already called Banks and asked him to do a GPS trace on it and nothing showed up so it’s either switched關掉(開關) off or…」
「It’s here,」 Morris said, coming towards them, holding up the phone. The front of it was smashed in. 「We just found it in on the sidewalk.」
「Then our gunman must have taken it off Gibbs before putting him in the trunk and threw it away hard enough to smash it,」 Tony said. He reached out a hand but unlike Morris he wasn’t wearing gloves so he stopped before touching it.
「Get it bagged and sent to forensics immediately - there might be prints on it,」 McGee said to Morris. She nodded and hurried away.
「McGee - we need to hurry this along,」 Tony said urgently. 「It’s been over twelve hours already. Christ, if only I hadn’t gone out drinking last night. If only I’d come back home instead…」 He ran his hands through his hair, leaving it standing up in messy points.
「You didn’t know,」 McGee said shortly, turning away.
「Hey.」 Tony grabbed his arm. 「Are you judging me, Probie?」
「Yes, Tony - I am,」 McGee snapped. 「If you weren’t always just one step away from total self-destruction and we weren’t always rushing around after you trying not to let it happen then…」 he paused, and sighed. 「No…I’m sorry - this isn’t your fault. You didn’t know that some psycho was going to break into your house and do this.」
「But you think I’m a lousy father, right? A dad who gets drunk and isn’t around to protect his son when he needs him.」
「No - I know you love Louis but I think you’re always so busy mourning服喪 what you lost that you’ve forgotten what you’ve still *got*,」 McGee said tersely.
He pulled away from Tony, and went back into the garage to put some distance between them. Tony didn’t get the message and followed him in there.
「Don’t shut me out, Tim,」 he said quietly. 「I might have been a lousy dad and a crap boyfriend but I need to be in on this. I need to help find them.」 His voice broke slightly as he said that, and McGee felt a wave of sympathy同情 for him. This was always the problem with Tony - it was just impossible to stay mad at him for long.
McGee stood next to Gibbs’s work bench and glanced at it. All his tools were neatly locked away, out of the reach of small hands, and even the inevitable stash of bourbon was stored high up, on a shelf擱板 that Louis would never be able to get to.
There was a sheaf of papers on the worktop, so McGee thought it probably doubled as Gibbs’s desk and general work area. He could see some bank statements說明 and utility公共事業的 bills stacked there, awaiting payment. McGee brushed his hand over them and then paused as something caught his eye.
It was a bright yellow piece of paper with ugly black writing on it, crude粗糙的 but eye-catching.
「I know what you are」, was all it said. McGee frowned, wondering what the hell that meant. He rummaged在…裡翻找 through the stack of papers and found another yellow piece of paper with the same lettering on it - and just one word: 「Faggots搞男同性戀的人」. One more said, 「You’ll burn in hell」.
McGee held up the pieces of paper to Tony. 「Have you seen these?」 he asked. Tony took them with a frown, shaking his head.
「No. This is all Gibbs’s stuff - and he never showed these to me,」 he said. Then he looked up. 「Why wouldn’t he have shown these to me?」 he asked. McGee knew why, and it must have showed in his eyes.
「I was too caught up in Jonssen,」 Tony said, his jaw tightening.
「Yeah - maybe he mentioned them to you but you weren’t listening. That happens whenever you think you’ve got a lead on Jonssen,」 McGee said quietly. 「But, more likely, he thought he could take care of it himself - if there was anything to take care of. The notes might have been recent最近的 - if he’d received承認 them in the last couple of days then there’s no way he’d have showed them to you. You’ve been all over the place.」
Tony’s jaw tightened again, and he nodded. McGee thought that maybe it was about time he started seeing himself the way they all saw him - a wild任性的, loose cannon標準, flailing連枷 ever more spectacularly引人注目的 out of control, and neglecting忽略 those closest to him in the process - hurting them even, although McGee was sure that wasn’t the intention. It was the end result though.
「How would anyone know?」 Tony asked, looking closely at the yellow paper. 「Even you didn’t know about me and Gibbs and you know us better than anyone. How would anyone know we were together? We don’t go out as a couple, and Gibbs could easily be here looking after Louis as his uncle or grandfather or something - why would anyone assume anything different?」
McGee remembered the way Gibbs had put his arm around Tony’s shoulder at the restaurant yesterday, and kissed his forehead. It had been surprising because of the personalities of both men - Gibbs in particular - but it hadn’t been overtly romantic or sexual in nature. Anyone watching it could have taken Gibbs to be Tony’s older brother - or, at a stretch, his father, and McGee had never seen them give any outward sign of a deeper closeness over the past three years. However, remembering them at the restaurant made another thought occur to him.
「Louis,」 he said suddenly. Tony looked confused困惑的. 「Yesterday at the restaurant, Louis said some stuff about you and Gibbs that made it sound like you were a couple. Me and Ducky both noticed it. You and Gibbs kiss around him, don’t you?」
「Yeah,」 Tony said cautiously. 「What’s wrong with that?」
「Nothing. I’m just saying - Louis wouldn’t think twice about mentioning it to other people. Plus - he must know you share a bed, right?」
「Yeah.」 Tony nodded. 「Every Saturday night we all watch movies together in our bed, with popcorn. Gibbs calls it movie night and makes me promise it’s the one night of the week I’ll stay home. Louis loves movie night - at least there’s something of me in him.」
「I don’t suppose that he thinks that you and Gibbs sharing a bed is a secret,」 McGee pointed out. 「So he wouldn’t think anything of talking about it.」
「It’s not a secret,」 Tony said.
McGee put his head on one side and gazed at him. 「You and Gibbs have been together for three years and I never knew about it,」 he pointed out.
「It’s not a secret, it’s just not…」 Tony paused and sighed. 「You know Gibbs - he’s the most private man in the world. How long had we been working with him before we found out about Shannon and Kelly? I know he’s not ashamed of me, or us, or what we do in bed - he just can’t stand anyone knowing his business. And as for me…I suppose it just wasn’t…important?」 He winced as he said that. 「I don’t mean the relationship isn’t important to me because it is, but…」
「But you never really even think about it because you’re too busy thinking about getting your revenge on Jonssen?」 McGee suggested. He didn’t doubt that Gibbs and Louis were important to Tony - vital to him even - but he did wonder whether Tony was so blinded by his desire for revenge that he’d failed to realise just how much he needed them - and just how little he showed them that.
Tony’s eyes darkened. 「Something like that, yeah,」 he muttered.
「Agent Morris!」 McGee went to the garage door and she came running over. He handed her the yellow notes. 「Get what you can from these,」 he said. She frowned as she read them.
「You think this is some kind of a homophobic hate crime?」 she asked, glancing up at McGee, and then, more surreptitiously偷偷地, at Tony.
「It’s possible - so we need to put it on the list,」 McGee said.
「But why would anyone think Agent DiNozzo and Mr. Gibbs are a couple?」 Morris asked, frowning.
「Because we are,」 Tony said tersely. Her eyes flickered in surprise but she covered it well and just nodded.
「Who are Louis’s friends?」 McGee asked Tony. 「We need to find out who he might have talked to when their parents were around.」
「I don’t know,」 Tony said, his shoulders stiffening. McGee glared at him.
「You don’t know who his friends are?」
「No.」 Tony shook his head.
「I know one boy he mentioned yesterday - Nathan - Louis said he spent some time at his house. Morris, find out who he is. Also…Louis goes to daycare日托 a couple of mornings a week doesn't he?」
Tony nodded, still looking angry and defensive about not knowing who Louis’s friends were.
「Which daycare does he go to? We can ask around and find out who knew him and who he played with.」
「I don’t know,」 Tony said again, his forehead furrowing angrily.
「You don’t know which daycare your son goes to?」 Agent Morris said, without thinking, making notes on her PDA, and then she looked up, embarrassed困窘. 「Uh…I noticed a calendar in the kitchen that I think mentioned something about daycare. I’ll go check it out,」 she said hurriedly, running off.
McGee looked at Tony, who was shaking his head.
「Christ I’m fucking useless,」 he snapped. 「I just…I left all that stuff to Gibbs. He took care of it.」
「You don’t have the luxury享受 of self-pity自憐 right now, Tony,」 McGee told him sharply. 「You need to focus.」
「I know.」 Tony nodded. 「Okay - what else?」
「Well, we have three viable routes of investigation: a kidnapping for ransom, a hate crime, and Jonssen.」
「Why would whoever was sending us these notes want to kidnap Louis and Gibbs?」 Tony asked, puzzled. 「It doesn’t make sense. I think that’s the least likely of the three.」
「But still viable so we follow it up,」 McGee said firmly. 「Gibbs beat that into us too.」
「Yeah. It’s amazing that either of us is still alive with all that beating going on,」 Tony said with a faded grin. It was just a figure of speech but accurate精確的 in the sense that those lessons had been hard learned, and had required many slaps upside the head in the learning.
「And in turn you’ve done a good job of beating it into your team,」 McGee pointed out, because Tony’s team were at least as in awe敬畏 of him as he and Tony had been of Gibbs in their time. 「That’s why they’re such a good team.」
「Not as good as we were,」 Tony said. 「You, me, Gibbs, Ziva, Abby, Ducky - we were the best. Numero Uno頭號人物. The A Team.」
「Your team are pretty good too, when you give them the chance,」 McGee pointed out. At that moment Agent Morris came running back.
「I just spoke to the daycare. The little boy Louis talked about was Nathan Glover. I’ve got some other names too but listen to this - Nathan was taken out of daycare last month really suddenly - no warning. His mom just took him out. Word on the grapevine消息來源 is that she ran off with Nathan and the dad was pretty mad when he found out. He’s a violent kind of guy so the courts法院 granted custody of Nathan to his wife and she took the child out of state. The dad doesn’t know where they went and it’s tearing him apart.」
「我剛剛和托兒中心談過了。Louis提到的那個小男孩是Nathan Glover。我同時還得到了其他的名字但先聽聽這個—Nathan上個月很突然的就離開了托兒中心—沒有預警的。他的媽媽就只是把他帶走了。根據消息當那個爸爸找到她和Nathan時很生氣。他是個暴力慣犯所以法院把Nathan的監護權判給了他的媽媽、而她就帶著這個孩子離開了。那個爸爸不知道他們會去哪裡而且這讓他有些折磨。」
「Louis did say that Nathan’s mom and dad argued the whole time,」 McGee mused.
「Yeah but this is the best bit; Nathan’s mom had a lover - that’s who she ran off with.」
「So?」 Tony frowned.
「The lover wasn’t a guy - it was another woman,」 Morris said.
「Address?」 McGee said, running after Tony as he took off out of the garage and across to his car at a fast sprint短距衝刺. Morris ran after them both. They got into Tony’s car and McGee yelled to a surprised Ducky that he was now in charge of the crime scene and to make sure everything was taken back to NCIS and processed immediately. 「Get Banks on the phone and tell him to find out everything he can about Glover,」 McGee ordered to Morris over his shoulder as Tony flipped them sharply around a bend, almost toppling the car in the process.
- Apr 24 Wed 2013 03:20
【翻譯偷偷來】Ten Years On 十年 8