「Agent Morris made a complaint about you,」 he said.
Tony laughed. 「Really? Took her long enough. Usually they complain about me within a week and she’s been with me for nearly three years.」
「Don’t you want to know what she complained about?」 McGee asked. Tony’s eyes darkened and he shrugged.
「I know what she complained about,」 he muttered.
「She thinks you pass her over for the dangerous field work,」 McGee told him. Tony shrugged again. 「I took a look at her case record - she’s right.」
「Yeah,」 Tony replied.
「I told her why,」 McGee said. Tony raised an eyebrow. 「I told her she reminds you of Kate. I told her you lost Kate, Ziva and Abby and you don’t want to lose her.」
「Shouldn’t I be sitting *on* the couch if you’re gonna psychoanalyse給…進行精神分析 me, McFreud?」 Tony commented, gesturing over his shoulder to the couch he was slouched沒精打采的姿態 against.
「Am I wrong or right?」 McGee asked.
「Who cares?」 Tony waved a hand. 「You do know she has the hots for you, right?」 he said. McGee stared at him.
「Who?」 he asked, frowning.
「Agent Morris. The beautiful Felicity. She lights up like a Christmas tree whenever you walk past her desk.」
「No she doesn’t. That’s just crap, Tony,」 McGee growled, feeling himself flush all the same. He really didn't want to talk to Tony about his love life - or lack thereof關於那 - or his feelings for Felicity Morris, which he thought he'd done a good job of keeping hidden. He was good at unrequited無報答的 love - he'd had years of experience after all.
「Would you even notice if a woman looked your way, Tim?」 Tony asked him, in a quiet voice, the teasing tone gone. 「Maybe you need to pull your head out of your ass, stop living in the past, and go out and get yourself laid. Might stop you being such a grouch.」
「I’m not a grouch. I’m…Agent Morris?」 McGee asked, still blushing紅著臉地.
「She’s hot,」 Tony grinned.
「I hadn’t noticed,」 McGee parried迴避, disingenuously不坦白地.
「Yeah - you had.」 Tony leered橫目 at him.
「Stop it, Tony - that’s disgusting可憎的. Besides, if you think she’s so hot, why haven’t you made a move on her?」 he asked. 「It’s not like you’re getting laid either, Tony.」
A strange expression flickered in Tony’s eyes, and he shifted轉移 uncomfortably.
「Oh my god! You are!」 McGee accused. 「You are getting laid. Who is she, Tony?」
「None of your business,」 Tony growled. 「Now are you going to get the new bottle of whisky or am I?」
McGee got up, staggered搖搖晃晃 over to the bar, found another bottle of bourbon and staggered back with it. He dropped down onto the couch, opened the bottle, and took a long drink from it. It wasn’t anywhere near as fiery as the other one, he thought hazily, or maybe the back of his throat had given in and was just going with it.
「How the hell did you even find time to meet anyone?」 he asked. 「You’re always here, or else getting drunk somewhere - or chasing down bad guys and beating their brains腦袋 out with your fists. Did someone take pity on you or something?」
「What’s with the pity theme?」 Tony growled.
「Only way I can see you getting laid,」 McGee grinned down at him. Tony’s shoulders hunched隆起 and he reached up and grabbed the bottle out of McGee’s hand.
「Yeah, well, now I think about it there might have been some pity involved. They sure as hell had little enough reason to want to go there otherwise用別的方法.」
「*They*?」 McGee queried查詢 incredulously懷疑地. 「There’s been more than one?」
「Just a figure of speech,」 Tony muttered. 「Anyway, we’re not talking about me - we’re talking about you and the delectable令人愉快的 Fe-lee-cee-tee.」 He strung串起 out her name unnecessarily不必要地, the way he always used to do with Ziva. 「She has the right background for you, McGee. She’s smart - she talks all that computer geek stuff that you talk - and she went to Harvard. And she’s classy; did you know that her friends call her Flick? Man, I swear Carter mocked her about that for three months solid when he found out. Flick?」 He laughed out loud. 「Like she’s a pony小馬 or something - a thoroughbred純種的 maybe?」 He grinned up at McGee. 「You like her, don’t you?」
「It doesn’t matter if I do or not,」 McGee replied, taking the bottle back. 「Rule number twelve remember?」
「Never eat beans豆子 on a stakeout監視?」 Tony frowned, looking confused. McGee slapped the back of his head.
「Gibbs’s rules - not DiNozzo’s!」 he grinned. 「Rule number twelve - never date a co-worker. And in my case, as I’m director, asking her out could constitute構成 sexual性別的 harassment騷擾.」
Tony sighed, loudly. 「McGee - if you live by the rules you’ll die without getting laid ever again and that, my friend, is something I’m not gonna let happen. Hey - what about SECNAV? She’s kind of sexy in a weird, scary way - and we all know you like weird and scary.」
「Do not!」 McGee protested hotly. He knew they had to both be very, very drunk because they hadn’t talked this way in years, and although he suspected they were a bit too old for it, it felt kind of nice. Like the past few years hadn’t happened and they were younger, less world-weary厭世的 versions of說法 themselves. 「You’re the one who likes weird and scary, Tony, not me.」
Tony grinned up at him. 「Yeah. You could be right,」 he said.
McGee was sure that he replied, and that Tony said something back, but he was equally sure that they were making less and less sense, and possibly even talking total gibberish胡言亂語. At some point he fell asleep, sprawled四肢(懶散地)伸開out on the couch.
He woke several hours later, his face squished嘎吱聲 against the side of the couch, and stared at the familiar and yet unfamiliar-from-this-angle fabric構造 for several minutes, wondering why he had such a terrible headache. Then he remembered, and came to with a groan呻吟. He glanced around and saw Tony, lying on his back on the floor beside the couch, his hand wrapped around the half-empty bottle of bourbon. His mouth was open and he was snoring loudly. McGee poked戳 him with his finger.
「Shut up,」 he said. He glanced at his watch to find that it was 5am. His assistant, Gary, who always got in very early, would arrive within the next hour or two, and he really didn’t want him to find his boss in this kind of a state. 「Wake up, Tony,」 he said, sitting up, his head thundering非常 in protest.
「Whaaa?」 Tony sat up without so much as a groan, but then his body was more used to handling a hangover宿醉.
「It’s 5am and you stink臭氣.」 McGee wrinkled有皺紋的 up his nose. 「Go home, clean up, and come back. Then we’ll review Carter’s interrogation notes together.」
「I already did,」 Tony said.
「And he did okay but I know I can do better if you just shut me in a room with Stackton.」
「We tried that yesterday,」 McGee told him. 「Look, I’m going home to take a shower. You do the same - are you sober enough yet to drive?」 He asked suspiciously猜疑心地. 「Hell - am I? I’ll call us both a couple of drivers.」 He got up, and then let out an involuntary非自願的 moan發牢騷聲 as a wave of nausea噁心 shot through him. He sat back down again, and swallowed down a heave嘔吐.
「Wuss. That’ll teach you to drink with the big boys,」 Tony said, getting to his feet effortlessly輕鬆地 and pulling McGee to his. McGee groaned, and stumbled蹣跚 over to his desk in search of the Advil. He held the packet up to Tony who just grinned and shook his head.
「I’ll see you back here at seven, Probie,」 Tony said, in a loud and unnaturally cheerful興高采烈的 voice as he headed for the door. McGee winced, the noise assaulting攻擊 him in his current當前的 fragile易碎的 state. He swallowed the Advil with a sigh, and then called for a driver to take him home.
- Mar 14 Thu 2013 08:15
【翻譯偷偷來】Ten Years On 十年 7