"Where is he?" Gibbs asked Abby when the team, sans Tony, returned after a very long day; it was way past six, pushing seven. Abby's lab was sans Tony as well, and Gibbs glared at her. It probably wasn't her fault, but he was too tired to care.
"He went back to your place," Abby said with a wince.
"Alone?" Gibbs bit out. "You let him go?"
"What was I supposed to do?" Abby protested.
"Handcuff him to your counter? Duct導管 tape his ankles together? Lock him in a room?" Gibbs threw out, already calling Tony's cell phone.
"He snuck out when my back was turned," Abby confessed. She held up a piece of paper. "He left me a note that he needed some down time and that he'd be at your house."
"He's not answering," Gibbs snarled.
"He was tired and hurting," Abby threw out worriedly as he stalked toward the door. "Maybe he's sleeping." Then, yelling, she added, "I talked to him an hour ago, so he got to your house okay."
That got Gibbs to stop. "You spoke with him?"
She nodded. "He's been checking in every hour, faithfully. He promised to do it after I called and gave him hell. Last check in, he said he might miss the next one, because everything hurt, and he was going to take a pain pill."
Gibbs felt a little calmer. He wished he had an answering machine so he could call and yell for Tony to pick up. "You guys figure out who he is?" Gibbs asked as he pointed at their alleged suspect.
"Sort of," Abby said with a grimace. "We didn't find indisputable無爭論之餘地的 evidence that he's related, but we do have some reason to believe that he's been in touch with Tony's father. And we found out where Tony's father is living."
Gibbs nodded. It looked like some answers would have to wait. "Ziva's got some evidence for you," he said, walking again.
"Do I have to do it tonight?" Abby asked, somewhat plaintively.
"No," Gibbs said. "Go home."
"Can I come with you?" she asked.
Gibbs shook his head. "Not until I know it's safe." He walked back to her, gave her a kiss on her forehead. "I'll call."
"You better," she warned him.
When Gibbs was in his car, he called Tony again, hanging up when there was, again, no answer. Deciding to smack Tony upside the head if he'd left the front door unlocked, Gibbs pressed on the gas, passing several cars, ignoring the honks汽車喇叭聲 his action generated引起.
When he made it to his neighborhood街坊, he pulled into the driveway, leapt out of his car, and ran for the front door.
"Hey," someone said behind him.
Gibbs spun around, his gun out.
The pizza delivery投遞 boy dropped his red carrying case and let out a shriek.
Abashed, Gibbs put the gun down, but not away. "What do you want?"
"Someone ordered a pizza," the boy stammered out結巴地說.
If Tony was alert enough to order a pizza, he was damn sure alert enough to answer the damn phone. "How much?" Gibbs snapped out.
"Uh, twenty-nine eighty five," the boy managed to get out.
Jesus, Gibbs thought, as he pulled out a twenty and two single dollar bills. Trust Tony to buy as expensive a pizza as he does shoes. "Here," he said, pushing the money at the kid. He put his gun back in its holster.
The kid crouched down, pulled out a pizza, checked it, and shakily handed it to Gibbs.
"I’m a cop," Gibbs said to the boy. "Don't sneak up on me again."
"Don't worry," the boy said fervently.
Gibbs bit off a grin and stalked to the front of the house. At least the damn door was locked, he thought, as he jiggled輕搖 the handle. He pulled out his keys, unlocked it, and walked inside. "Tony," he yelled.
"Right here," Tony yelled back.
"Why didn't you answer your damn phone?" Gibbs snarled as he followed Tony's voice into the living room. Tony was sitting on the couch, the remote control in his hand, voices coming from the TV.
Tony glanced at Gibbs, saw the pizza box, and frowned. "You bought pizza?"
"You mean you didn't?" Gibbs snapped, glaring at the pizza box in his hands then flinging it like a Frisbee into the kitchen, not even wanting to know what someone could do to pizza to make it kill someone.
"Yes, I did!" Tony hollered at him. "Was that my pizza?"
"Why did you ask me if I bought pizza if that was your pizza?"
"Because I thought maybe you bought pizza, too, in which case we'd have a shitload很多 of pizza to eat," Tony said, getting up with a groan and glowering怒視的 at Gibbs. "Now, though, Mr. Discus鐵餅 Olympian奧林匹克, we might not have any pizza to eat."
"Oh, shut up, you big baby," Gibbs told him with a grin and a roll of his eyes. "I didn't throw it that hard." He strode into the kitchen and picked the pizza box up off the floor. He flipped the box open and winced.
"What?" Tony complained. "Is it ruined毀壞?"
"No, it's not ruined. It's just a little messy." He carried it back into the living room and placed it on the coffee table.
"Messy's okay," Tony said with relief. "I can do messy." He reassembled再組合 a piece of pizza and pulled it out, shoving half of it in his mouth.
Gibbs started reassembling his own piece. Now that the threat of death by pizza was over, he realized he was starving. Still pissed off, though, he asked, "Why the hell weren't you answering your phone?"
"It was running out of juice電, so I shut it off. I need to get my charger from my home that no longer exists. Shit." He frowned at Gibbs. "Why didn't you use the land line?"
Gibbs didn't want to admit that he didn't think of it, especially when he'd been thinking about answering machines. Deciding it was useless to stay mad when Tony was obviously okay, Gibbs ate a large bite of pizza. "Did you get some sleep?"
"Yeah, an hour or so," Tony said. "Did Abby freak?"
"I freaked," Gibbs told him with a glare. "You didn't answer your phone."
"I need a new charger," Tony said defensively. "I can't help it if it got burnt up in a fire."
As excuses went, it was hard to argue with it. "We'll get you one tomorrow," Gibbs said. "By the way, I pulled a gun on the pizza boy, in case someone calls to complain."
Tony stopped eating and stared at Gibbs. First it was a smile, then a full out grin, and then Tony burst into laughter, dropping the pizza back in the box, sagging back against the couch cushions靠墊, getting weak as the laughter continued.
Ordinarily通常地, Gibbs might have taken offense冒犯, but it was good to see Tony laugh like this, for the second time in two days. So he just sat there eating his pizza while Tony laughed himself into a stupor. When he was done laughing, he was so relaxed, Gibbs wasn't surprised to find him nodding off a few minutes later. A short while after that, Gibbs had him tucked in bed, fast asleep. Sliding in next to Tony, Gibbs picked up a book to read. It felt comfortable, an old-married-couple sort of ease, and it made Gibbs snicker seeing as how they hadn't even managed to have sex yet.
Gibbs wasn't sure what woke him up, but in a moment he went from fast asleep to wide awake. He listened carefully, but all he could hear was Tony snoring lightly next to him and the crickets蟋蟀 outside the cracked bedroom window.
Something was wrong, Gibbs knew it to his marrow骨髓, but he had no idea what. He sniffed the air to see if he could smell gas or something equally lethal. Gibbs leaned over Tony and shook him awake, putting fingers over his lips to keep him from speaking. Tony's eyes sprang open, and after one startled look at Gibbs, he easily slipped into agent mode, nodding at Gibbs, both of them rolling out of bed to each side, into a crouched position.
They remained stationary, listening, but again Gibbs heard nothing, and neither did Tony, apparently, when he shot Gibbs a questioning look. Gibbs might have been tempted to write it all off as a bad dream, but his gut told him otherwise. He was glad to see that as long as he was taking it seriously, Tony was too. Tony took a second to shimmy振動 into some sweat pants and a t-shirt, stepping into his shoes, and after a moment, Gibbs did the same. Creeping to the bureau衣櫥, Gibbs grabbed his pistol. His other firearm槍枝 was in the kitchen, so Tony would have to stay unarmed未武裝的 for the moment.
Tony crept over to him. "What's going on?" he asked in an almost inaudible tone.
"I heard something," Gibbs said back, just as quietly.
"Should I be bait?" Tony asked.
Gibbs shook his head. They needed something as bait, but it sure as hell wasn't going to be Tony. Staying low, he left the bedroom, keeping all the lights off, and they crept downstairs for the kitchen. Once there, he opened the drawer, silently, and pulled out a second pistol for Tony.
Tony took it gladly, waiting for direction.
Gesturing for Tony to stay low, Gibbs moved into the living room by the front door. He took all but one of the jackets off the coat rack衣帽架, spreading the remaining coat外套 around the rack架子. "When I give a signal," he whispered to Tony, "turn the living room light on."
Tony frowned, but nodded, moving to the light switch on the wall.
On his back, the coat rack straddling跨越 him, Gibbs bent彎曲 his knees, using his feet to push himself a couple of feet into the living room to the edge of the large picture window. "Now," he said, and Tony hit the light switch.
Gibbs had barely moved another inch when all hell broke loose as someone began shooting an automatic rifle into the living room, tearing the coat into shreds撕毀, knocking over the coat rack. Tony lunged for the floor, as bullets began to tear through the walls and doors.
"This guy is a fucking lunatic精神錯亂的!" Tony complained, creeping close to Gibbs, running his hands over him to look for injuries.
"I'm fine," Gibbs told him impatiently, batting his hands off. "Get out of here!"
"You start moving and I'll start moving," Tony demanded, crouching down lower, as a sweep掃射 of bullets came perilously危機四伏地 close. "Fuck!"
"This guy is dead meat死定了," Gibbs corrected糾正, but he started moving, afraid that the next sweep掃射 might be low enough to hit. As the bullets swept right, he pushed Tony left. "Run!"
Bending彎曲 low, they ran for the back of the house and out the back door, continuing to keep low as they hunkered蹲下 down, protected by the cement水泥 foundation基座 of the house. Gibbs put his hand up, just in case Tony was about to say something, and listened. The shots had stopped.
"You okay?" he asked Tony softly. His eyes swept Tony from head to foot, glad to see a total absence of blood. The shots started up again, and something crashed to the floor.
"I'm perfect," Tony said sarcastically, "if you ignore the fact that there's a fucking lunatic out on your front lawn草坪 with an assault rifle turning your house into Swiss cheese蜂窩乳酪, and trying to do the same to me."
Gibbs liked his house, and he loved Tony. He checked the clip彈夾 to his pistol.
"What the hell are you going to do?" Tony said warningly.
"Go out front and stop him."
"Yeah, I don't think so. Not alone."
The shooting stopped again, and there was the sound of running feet.
"Damn it," Gibbs cussed, sprinting around the house just in time to see a dark car speed away. "Damn it to hell." He felt like shooting after it anyway, but the fear of hitting a civilian百姓 stopped him, and he flicked the safety on and stuck the gun in the back waistband腰帶 of his pants.
"What I don't understand," Tony said, now standing next to Gibbs, "is if he has the money and connections to do all this stupid stuff, why hasn't he hired a professional to kill me? This guy sucks令人討厭 at this. This was his plan? To hide outside here all night until something moved and then shoot the hell out of it? That's a really stupid plan." He slapped his chest. "And I'm proof驗證 of its stupidity愚行, because here I am. Still alive. Again."
Gibbs found it somewhat amusing that Tony sounded so aggrieved受侵害的 at the man's incompetence無資格. Gibbs, on the other hand, while totally pissed off, was thankful. He heard sirens approaching. Again. He and Tony were single-handedly單獨地 keeping the local police on their toes.
"All I want," Tony said with a scowl, "is a good night's sleep. Is that too much to ask?"
"Think Dana could put us up for the rest of the night?" Gibbs asked. Now they were both homeless. It was only 1:
"I don't care," Tony said from behind him. "I'll gladly pay for the damn room."
Neighbors were starting to come out of their houses now, and Gibbs racked his brain to come up with a cover story.
"Look at your house," Tony said in angry wonder.
Gibbs blew out a long breath. Every window and casing框 was shattered毀壞. The gutters天溝 and roof were trashed, although why the hell he was shooting that high was a mystery. There were hundreds of bullet holes from the roofline to about knee level. Gibbs would have to replace the entire front of his house, let alone whatever damage had been done to the inside. Gibbs was sure all the dry wall would need to be replaced. "Crap." The last thing he wanted was repairmen修理工 in his house for weeks on end, not when Gibbs would rather be the one to do it, to make sure it got done right.
One of the neighbors approached and, as if out of a script, Tony turned to him, pulling at his hair, looking like someone who'd been woken up out of a sound sleep to find his home being shot at. "Jesus H. Christ. Some crazy person shot Gibbs' house up. Look at it. Jesus. Who would do that?"
Gibbs decided to leave Tony to it, let the neighbors think that they had no idea why this had happened. Meanwhile, Gibbs would be telling a very different story to the cops while Tony kept the neighbors entertained. No doubt movie references would be coming out soon.
As Gibbs walked the cops to his front door, he had to admit that Tony was right. Whoever was trying to kill Tony might have money, but he was an idiot. It was like he was throwing dynamite炸藥 in the water in hopes of killing a particular fish. He knew nothing about how to plan a kill and execute it, something Gibbs, again, was grateful for.
He let the cops walk through the house, giving as concise簡明的 a statement as he could. After making arrangements for security for the house for the night, and quickly packing a bag for him and Tony, Gibbs grabbed his agent by his elbow手肘, away from the now adoring neighbors, many of whom were offering home-cooked meals, a spare bedroom, and in one case, a daughter, and dragged him to the car. "Let's get out of here."
Tony looked like he wanted to argue, being someone who thrived on attention, but as if suddenly remembering what was going on, he said good-bye to all his new friends, and got in the car without another word of complaint. As they drove down the street, Tony said, "Shit. What a night. A week. A month."
"Couldn't have said it better myself."
"Maybe we shouldn't go to the Westin," Tony said. "Nothing to stop this asshole from going postal there, too." He looked out the side and back windows. "Do you think he came back after driving away? Do you think he's watching us?" He slammed his good fist into the dashboard. "I fucking hate how paranoid he's making me."
"With good reason," Gibbs pointed out. "You should be paranoid. I know I sure as hell am." Gibbs was doing his own looking out the windows and rear view mirror.
"So where do we go?"
"We could sneak back into my house," Gibbs said. "Nothing wrong with the back of the house, and if we know he isn't following us, it would the last place he'd check."
Tony's eyebrows went up, but then he nodded. "I actually like that idea, although we'd have to keep all the lights out."
"I'll call the rent-a-cops and tell them to go in and close all the curtains簾子 in the back of the house." Gibbs flipped open his phone.
"Yeah, and tell them not to shoot us by mistake. With the way my luck's been running, it wouldn't surprise me."
"Just keep your eye out for anyone keeping an eye on us," Gibbs said.
"Pull over and shut the car off."
Gibbs did as instructed, still talking on the phone. When he finished, they sat there for several minutes, watching for any activity, but other than a car with several teenagers in it, and another one with a man and a woman kissing so avariciously貪婪地 it was amazing they hadn't driven into a tree, the street remained empty.
"Let's go for it," Tony said.
Gibbs took a roundabout繞道 way back to the neighborhood, parking in the driveway of a house on the street behind his, two houses down, that was empty and up for sale. Once there, they again waited for anyone to take notice.
When Gibbs was satisfied that they weren't being observed, he and Tony got out of the car. Grabbing the bag from the back seat, they made their way through the three yards between the driveway and Gibbs' backyard. In minutes Gibbs had sent the rent-a-cops on their way, and he and Tony were back in the house.
"You sure you're okay with me being here?" Tony asked.
"Why wouldn't I be?"
"Well, now that your neighbors have met me, they're probably going to guess we're sleeping together."
"Do I look like I care?" Gibbs answered.
"I guess I thought you'd want to keep this thing under wraps."
"I don't want you blowing kisses at me at the office, DiNozzo, but if I was ashamed of what we were doing, I wouldn't be doing it."
Tony beamed at him. "Can I give you a blow job in the men's room one day?"
Gibbs rolled his eyes. "No."
Tony looked like he was thinking of all the ways he could get Gibbs to change his mind and, knowing Tony, he probably could. Gibbs would deal with that later. Then Gibbs was being kissed, wet and messy, and Gibbs decided he'd deal with everything later.
He couldn't let this go without some teasing, though. "Now you want to have sex?"
Tony growled at him, and Gibbs' sweatpants hit the rug just as his t-shirt got whipped off of him, landing across the room. "I've wanted to have sex since about five minutes after I met you. Wait. That came out wrong," Tony said with a grimace. "I wanted to have sex with you about five minutes after I met you as a cop."
"I figured," Gibbs said, chuckling, working Tony out of his clothes. "I just meant wouldn't this have been easier to do when the house was still intact?"
"The only reason we haven't already had sex is because you kept saying no. Now shut up."
Gibbs started to laugh, but he stopped when Tony sank to his knees and swallowed Gibbs' cock. Instead, he groaned, and then put a hand over his mouth as a reminder提醒物 to keep the noise down as half of his house was essentially實質上 open to the street. His other hand went in Tony's hair. It felt so thick, so luxurious, his other hand joined in, and his fingers fisted there as Tony gave him the best blow job of his life. His knees were like spaghetti義大利麵條 and only strong hands on his hips, cast notwithstanding還是, kept him from falling as he came, biting his lips to keep from yelling. A few seconds after that, despite Tony's best efforts, he was landing on his knees, hugging Tony, and then kissing the taste of his semen out of Tony's mouth.
"Can I fuck you?" Tony asked, begged, whispered in his ear. "Please. You have no idea how long I've dreamed about it."
「我可以上你嗎?」Tony 問,帶著要求地,低聲地在他耳邊說。「求你。你絕對不知道我夢想這多久了。」
Gibbs had never bottomed for anyone but he found himself nodding, willing to give this man anything he wanted, especially if it kept them naked in bed, or almost in bed, together. "Can we move to the bed?" he suggested, already knowing his knees wouldn't thank him tomorrow for that crash landing.
"Anything," Tony promised him. "I'll even buy you a new bed."
Gibbs started laughing again, and realized he couldn't, literally, remember the last time he'd laughed during sex. For years it had been a means to an end, even with the three women he'd married. He shook his head thinking that should have tipped提示 him off that he was being stupid.
Tony had been busy while he'd been woolgathering, because Gibbs was on the bed, on his side, and Tony was kissing his hip. It was nice to know how much his body trusted Tony, willing to be manhandled粗暴地對付 like that without checking in with Gibbs' brain. The thinking stopped right after that as Tony moved the kissing to his ass, then Gibbs was on his stomach慾望, and Tony was pulling his cheeks apart and his tongue was touching Gibbs where no tongue had ever touched Gibbs, and he was groaning into his pillow, fingers bunched up in the sheets, as he discovered發現 an entirely new erogenous zone (身體的)性感帶.
He didn't even notice Tony adding fingers because the tongue never left; he only noticed it when Tony pulled them out because he felt so empty all of a sudden, but then Tony was back, and he was pushing in, and despite Gibbs' unspoken concerns about being fucked by a man, it felt so right, and all he knew was Tony was in him and around him, and Tony was murmuring words of love as he peppered Gibbs' back with kisses. A hand wrapped around his cock, stroking it in time to Tony's thrusts and Gibbs had a second of disbelief that he was hard again before he was coming for the second time and down for the count.
When he came to, Tony was sliding back into bed, and Gibbs felt clean and sore, but in a really good way. "Hmm," he hummed contentedly滿足地, having forgotten how wonderful it felt to be completely fucked out.
Tony laughed at him, and Gibbs couldn't find it in himself to care. "How did you get so good at that?" he muttered to Tony. Then, he frowned, and added, "Never mind, don't answer that."
Tony snickered and kissed his cheek. "Just practice for the main event," he said.
Smiling, loving the feel of Tony's arms strong and warm around him, feeling slightly guilty he was so relaxed when Tony's life was still in danger, Gibbs felt himself drift off.