Gibbs decided they'd tackle交涉 Tony's father at his home, rather than at his place of business. If things got ugly, Gibbs wanted as few witnesses as possible. Abby had tracked his residence住所 to the town of St. Mary's on the eastern東邊 shore岸, less than twenty-five miles from where Tony's apartment used to be.
Glancing at his watch, Gibbs decided he could do with one more cup of coffee before they headed out. Even with traffic, they should get to DiNozzo's house by dinner time. Not that Gibbs was expecting a dinner invitation. "Tony," he said.
"Yeah, boss," Tony said from his desk. He'd been in rare spirits all day, in all his goofy glory, and Gibbs had been hard-pressed to keep a grin off his face.
"Don't you have something to do?" He shot a meaningful look at Ziva and McGee.
Tony made a face but he nodded. As Gibbs strode off, he heard Tony say, "Conference room."
Ziva was very ready to speak to Tony without Gibbs around, and she dragged him into the elevator. Once Tim was also on, she chose a random floor and, as the elevator began to move, hit the stop button. "I do not understand," Ziva hissed. "Why is Gibbs so relaxed? What does he know?" The whole day had been off. First to find out that there had been another attack during the night, and no one had called her. And then, when Tony and Gibbs arrived at the office, Gibbs had been smiling. Smiling! She could count on one hand the number of times she had seen Gibbs smile, and none of them had ever been when one of them was in danger.
He was certainly not unconcerned, and his mind was as quick as ever, as was his ability to throw orders around. But he was looser, and he'd lost that obsessed anger he'd had when he'd left the night before.
Ziva might have thought he'd gotten laid, if she didn't know for a fact that he would never have left Tony by himself by design. While Ziva was just as glad Gibbs wasn't acting the overbearing專橫的 ass he had been the day before, it worried her because it didn't make sense. With another attack, she'd have thought he'd be worse than before.
"He knows what you know," Tony told her.
She snorted at him. "I do not believe you. There is no way he would be this relaxed with you still in danger. Did Gibbs kill him last night?" That might explain how relaxed he was. Maybe they killed him and buried him in Gibbs' yard. Maybe going to see DiNozzo Senior, at this point, was just to satisfy Gibbs' curiosity好奇心, to put a name to the face of Tony's would be killer.
"No, Ziva," Tony said in chiding tones. "And, no, no one is buried in Gibbs' back yard." At a startled look from her, Tony laughed. "It was all over your face."
She didn't like thinking she was that easy to read, even by Tony.
"Don't worry," Tony said with a grimace. "He'll be back to his own grumpy性情乖戾的 self the minute he meets my dad."
"Why?" McGee asked.
Tony hesitated, but finally said, "They met before. A long time ago."
"How long?" Ziva asked. McGee's eyes were wide with surprise.
Sighing, Tony leaned against the elevator door, all humor gone from his face.
"How long?" Ziva pressed, her curiosity sliding into dread at Tony's unexpected reluctance to spill something about his life.
"I was twelve."
McGee's eyebrows almost rose off his head. "Twelve? How did he meet your dad when you were twelve? Did he meet you, too?"
Ziva was stunned by the thought that Tony and Gibbs had known each other that long. They had hidden it extremely well. "Tell us."
Tony looked like he was searching for words. "I can tell you the whole story sometime改天, after this is over, but to make a long story short, Gibbs stopped my father from beating me to death."
"Your father hit you?" Ziva asked, appalled, not only at the subject matter, but that she knew nothing of it, would never have guessed any of it, given Tony's happy-go-lucky nature.
"Most of my life as a child," Tony said. He shook his head. "Long story. Abby's part of it, too, but I don't want to tell the whole thing right now. I just, we just needed you to know, so you wouldn’t get blindsided攻其不備 by anything my father says to Gibbs or vice-versa反之亦然. He wants everyone's head in the game."
Ziva approved, although a little more notice, not to mention a lot more information, might have been helpful.
"Did he hurt you badly?" McGee asked, and then looked ashamed he asked the question.
"Yeah, McGee, he did," Tony said curtly. "And if this shows up in one of your books, I will make your life a living hell."
"I would never," McGee gasped in horror毛骨悚然. "Never. I just#" He flailed around in need of words, and Tony waved him off.
"It's okay," Tony said stiffly. "I'm gonna go find Gibbs. We'll be leaving soon." He pulled out the stop button.
Ziva didn't want him to leave like that, so she put her hand on his arm. "Whoever this person is, I will kill him for you, if you want. And we will bury him together."
"I'll help," McGee said staunchly.
Tony grinned at the sentiment. "I'll keep that in mind." The elevator doors opened and Tony stepped out, letting the doors shut behind him.
Ziva shot McGee a censorious好批評的 look, as she pushed the stop button again.
"I didn't mean anything," McGee defended辯護 himself. "I just remembered something Tony said, that thing that made me think something bad had happened to him, and—"
"And you were making sure this was it." Ziva finished up. She remembered that conversation, remembered trying, and failing, to pump Tony for information.
"And Abby knew," McGee said with a wince. "She knew something bad had happened to Tony, but she wouldn't tell me. And Tony just said that Abby was involved in whatever this is."
It was almost worse only having some of the facts, but Tony had said he'd tell them the whole story, and she would hold him to that.
Tony had tracked him down and shoved him in a closet. "You're confusing them," Tony said with a grin, stealing a quick kiss.
Gibbs knew he wasn't behaving行為舉止 to expectations期待, but it was hard to be quite完全地 so obsessed著迷 with the situation when his body felt so sated充分滿足. He knew he hadn't decreased減少 his vigilance警覺 in keeping an eye on things, making sure no dangers were lurking潛在危險, gunning for Tony. In fact, he felt more on his game, able to put his attention where it needed to be, not twisted扭轉 up inside with frustration挫折. He shrugged at Tony, and stole a kiss of his own.
"Boy, if I'd known having sex would relax you this much, I'd have done it a long time ago," Tony teased him.
"You try to manipulate操縱 me with sex," Gibbs said threateningly, or giving it his best shot, "and you'll be sleeping on the couch."
"I fully expect us to be having sex every night," Tony said with a twinkle閃亮 in his eye, "so if, on occasion, it helps take that stick out of your ass, it'll just be an extra bonus."
"Maybe I'll be sticking something hard in your ass, DiNozzo," Gibbs growled.
"I'll take it any way I can get it," Tony purred, his hand cupping Gibbs' crotch. "There isn't anything you can do to me that I haven't jerked myself to sleep thinking about."
"Jesus, Tony," Gibbs said, pushing him as far away as the broom掃帚 closet allowed. The man could tempt a saint.
"Sorry for trying to lighten the mood when I have to deal with my dad for the first time in twenty years." Tony looked like he'd rather have his fingernails手指甲 ripped off.
"You don't need to go," Gibbs said. "I mean that. I can handle your father."
"I know you can. I just want it done, you know?"
"I know," Gibbs said. "It will be. We'll find out tonight who's coming after you, and considering what an idiot he is, I'm guessing that apprehending him won't be difficult."
"I bet打賭 he's just gone home between each attempt, kicked his dog, and gotten out his Assassinations暗殺 for Dummies假人 Guide引導 to see what harebrained輕率的 scheme計畫 he should try next."
Gibbs suspected that wasn't far from the truth. "You told them?"
"Bare bones極簡單的, but yes, I told them."
"They needed to know," Gibbs said, still feeling badly he'd asked Tony to share something so painful.
"I know. And you were right. If things go bad, neither of us need Ziva or Tim still standing when they should have ducked, because they were freaked about something they heard."
Gibbs gripped Tony's shoulder. "You okay?"
"No, I'm not, but I will be when this is over. So, let's go do it."
They stared at each other for a moment, and before Gibbs could give in and kiss the infuriating man, he pointed at the door. "You leave first."
Tony grinned. "You don't want to leave together?"
Tony cracked快的 open the door and peeked out偷看. "Coast is clear. See you upstairs." With a waggle of eyebrows, he was gone.
Gibbs hung his head, grinning, hoping he'd survive the experience of having Tony DiNozzo as a lover and mate. He cracked the door open to take his own peek, and seeing an empty hallway, he followed after Tony.
Gibbs垂下他的頭,笑著,希望他能夠資格擁有Tony DiNozzo當愛人及伴侶。他敏極地打開門並也瞄了眼,看見空蕩的走廊,他就接著跟上了Tony。
Tony was the only one at his desk when he returned. Gibbs holstered his gun.
"Boss," Tony started.
"Forget it," Gibbs cut in. "You're not supposed to be carrying a weapon. If you shoot your father, no matter how righteous the kill, you'll be a civilian doing that, and you do not want that mess on your hands."
Tony put his hands up in a placating gesture. "Okay, okay."
Gibbs shot him a look. "And don't try to weasel one out of Ziva or McGee. I told them I'd have their badge if they gave you one."
"Shit," Tony said, frowning at Gibbs. "It sucks having you know me so well."
Grinning at this small victory, and seeing Ziva and McGee come out of the elevator, Gibbs had them gear up, and they headed out.
They met the first obstacle障礙物 when they pulled into the driveway of what could only be called an estate莊園. Out of the corner of her eye, Ziva could see Tim taking mental notes, and she fully expected that this would end up in his next novel. It was huge, sprawling, and protected by a large black metal fence柵欄 with a security guard hut in the center of the drive.
"You grew up here?" Ziva asked, doing her best to keep her surprise out of her voice. She'd known Tony had grown up wealthy, but this was much more than she'd imagined.
"No," Tony said. "We lived in
「不是,」Tony說。「我們住在North Carolina(北卡羅萊納州)。」
"But you grew up like this?"
Tony nodded, his face grim. "Money doesn't make everything better, you know."
"I know," Ziva said.
"Can I help you?" the guard asked.
Gibbs flashed his badge. "We have some questions for Mr. DiNozzo regarding關於 a case. We hope he'll be able to assist us."
Gibbs亮了亮他的警徽。「我們有關於案子的問題要問Mr. DiNozzo。我們希望他能提供我們幫助。」
"He know you're coming?"
"No, he doesn't," Gibbs answered. "Please let us through," he added, with his do-not-mess-with-me voice.
"I have to announce you," the guard said.
"Do what you have to," Gibbs told him.
They all listened as the guard called up to the house. "Yeah, hi, it's Ken down at the gate大門. I got some cops here want to ask the big guy some questions. Yeah, yeah, I'll hold." He shot an apologetic, what-can-you-do sort of shrug at the car.
Ziva glanced around, noting the metal fencing went in both directions as far as the eye could see, enclosing a large amount of land. She heard a neigh馬嘶聲 off in the distance. "Horses?"
"My father likes to ride," Tony said quietly.
"Do you?"
"I used to過去曾."
"Okay," the guard said, pushing a button. "He said to go on up. Walter will meet you."
The gate opened up, and Gibbs drove through. "Walter?" Gibbs asked.
"My father's valet僕從," Tony explained. "He's been with him for years."
"So he knew?" Gibbs asked tightly, maneuvering his way along the curved driveway.
"He knew."
Ziva watched as Gibbs' hands tightened on the steering wheel. The tension was back in his shoulders, and his eyes were steel.
"He cleaned me up sometimes," Tony threw out, his eyes shaded, his face still. "He wanted to save my father the discomfort不舒服 of having to deal with me after the fact."
"What a gem難能可貴的人," Gibbs bit out.
"Jesus," McGee muttered in the back seat.
They arrived at the house, or more accurately, the mansion, and Gibbs shut the car off. He turned so he was facing all three of them. "Listen up. We're here to find the name of Tony's attacker. That's all. Tony's here because he felt like he needed to be here. You are here," he said, gesturing toward Ziva and McGee, "on the off-chance場外的機會 things go to hell in a hand basket籃, or in case our suspect is here."
"What he’s not saying is that none of you are here to exact revenge報仇 on my father for being an asshole," Tony said. "Although," he carried on, "Gibbs is really hoping my father acts out, or pulls a gun on one of you, so he can shoot him."
"If that happens," Ziva said darkly, "we will all shoot him."
It didn't look like the conversation ended up where Gibbs wanted it to, but after he glanced at Tony to see that their support had lightened the look on his face, he gave a decisive果斷的 nod and opened his door.
A man Ziva assumed was Walter was opening the front door, a polite smile on his face. His eyes roved環顧 over all of them, and while his gaze凝視 faltered猶豫 momentarily短暫地 when he saw Tony, it moved on. Ziva wasn't sure if Tony had been recognized or not. Tony's shoulders were as tight as Gibbs', and Gibbs was standing very close to his senior agent. Ziva moved to Tony's other side, determined to show her support throughout whatever was coming.
"May I help you?" Walter said in a smoothly modulated控制 voice.
"Are you Mr. DiNozzo?" Gibbs asked.
「你是Mr. DiNozzo?」Gibbs問。
"No, I'm not, I'm his personal assistant. What is the nature of your business with Mr. DiNozzo?"
「不,我不是,我是他的私人助理。你們有什麼業務需要和Mr. DiNozzo談?」
"That is something I will be discussing with Mr. DiNozzo," Gibbs snapped, "and not his personal assistant." He pulled out his badge and displayed it for Walter. "Please get him."
「某些我必須直接和Mr. DiNozzo談的事情,」Gibbs厲聲道,「而不是和他的助理談。」他拉出他的徽章並亮給Walter看。「請叫他出來。」
Walter looked a little discomfited, but he covered it quickly, opening the door wider. "Please, wait inside. I'll inform通知 Mr. DiNozzo that you're here."
Walter看起來有點為難,但他很快地就掩飾掉了,然後將門開得更大。「請,在裡面等。我將通知Mr. DiNozzo你們在這裡。」
Gibbs walked in like he owned the place, and Ziva noticed that Tony had the smallest of grins curling the corners of his lips at Gibbs' behavior. The foyer門廳 they were waiting in was huge; Ziva thought her entire apartment living and dining進餐 room would fit inside of it. There were elegant雅致的 rooms leading off to the right and left, rooms they were not invited into, a long hallway straight and to the left, and a large, ornate裝飾華麗的 stairwell樓梯井 heading upstairs. Walter vanished down the hallway.
"This looks just like your other place," Gibbs said softly to Tony.
"Feels just like it," Tony said. "He likes what money can buy. He likes to intimidate脅迫 people with it."
"He likes to buy people's souls with it," Gibbs said bitterly.
"That, too," Tony agreed.
Ziva wished she knew what Gibbs knew, although she could guess that part of that conversation meant that the older DiNozzo bought people's silence with his money.
The sound of footsteps was muted on the thick rug, but Gibbs' attention was suddenly riveted吸引 on the hallway as Walter and an older man walked in. He had salt鹽醃的 and pepper hair, the skin around his eyes lined, two deeper lines around his mouth. He seemed frail, certainly old, but his eyes were sharp. Ziva could see little of Tony's handsomeness in the man, and decided Tony must get his looks from his mother. The only trait特徵 they did share was their eyes. They were the same color with the same arched brow.
"What may I do for you, gentlemen?" Mr. DiNozzo asked in a patronizing恩賜 sort of way. "And lady, of course," he added on. Ziva had already hated him on principle原理, but now she despised看不起 him. She could see it in his eyes, something she'd never seen in Tony's; he was a user. He would care for you as long as you met his needs, and he'd just as quickly turn on you once you stopped.
「我能為你們做些什麼,紳士們?」Mr. DiNozzo用一種有點像是恩賜的語氣問道。「還有小姐,當然。」他補充道。本來Ziva就已經討厭他了,但現在則是鄙視他。她可以在他眼底看見某些東西,某些她從未在Tony眼底看到過的;他是種利益利用者。當你能夠提供他幫助時他會與你保持聯絡,可一旦你少了利用價值了他就會轉身得比誰還快。
"We need to ask if you recognize this man," Gibbs asked, giving nothing away, withdrawing a photo from his pocket.
"Don't I know you?" Mr. DiNozzo asked Gibbs.
「我認識你嗎?」Mr. DiNozzo問向Gibbs。
Tony snorted. The senior DiNozzo's eyes rested on him for a second, then dismissed him, clearly seeing Gibbs as the man in charge.
"We met once," Gibbs said, holding the photo out. "A long time ago. Do you recognize him?"
Mr. DiNozzo took the photo, glanced at Gibbs, his brow furrowing, then back at the picture. "He's a son of a friend of mine. His name is Mark Robson. Why? What's he done?"
Mr. DiNozzo拿過了照片,並看向Gibbs,皺起眉,然後交回照片。「他是我一個朋友的兒子。他的名字是Mark Robson。為什麼要問他?他做了什麼?」
Ziva could almost see DiNozzo calculate打算 how to best cut Robson loose from anything connected to him.
Then Mr. DiNozzo looked at Gibbs again, eyes narrowing. "Wait," he said tersely, "I remember you."
然後Mr. DiNozzo再次看回了Gibbs,眼睛瞇了起來。「等等,」他簡潔地說,「我記得你了。」
"Good," Gibbs said. "Where can we find Mark Robson?"
「那很好,」Gibbs說。「我們哪裡可以找到Mark Robson?」
"You have the temerity to come into my house—" Mr. DiNozzo began indignantly.
「你曾經冒失的闖進我家—」Mr. DiNozzo 開始憤慨。
"As a Federal Agent," Gibbs cut in, "and I expect your full cooperation. Is that clear enough?" His voice intimated that Gibbs had his doubts, and Ziva had to bite back a grin.
"Walter will give you his address. I haven't spoken to him in weeks."
"Of course not," Tony said under his breath, speaking for the first time.
"Excuse me," Mr. DiNozzo said icily冷淡地. "Did you say something?"
「抱歉,」Mr. DiNozzo冷淡地說。「你剛剛有說什麼嗎?」
"I'll take that address," Gibbs said to Walter. "And a phone number, please."
When Walter left the room, Gibbs put a cease-and-desist hand out to Tony, and Tony obeyed. This time. Ziva didn't think the command命令 would work twice. She also didn't believe that Gibbs would leave here without allowing Tony to let this play out the way he wanted. She also could barely conceive設想 of a father so cut off from his son that he wouldn't recognize him when he was standing five feet from him.
Walter returned with a piece of paper that he handed to Gibbs, who handed it, and the picture, to Tony, saying, "Are we done?"
Tony seemed to be giving the question the serious thought it entailed必須.
"Now that you've got what you came for," Mr. DiNozzo was saying, "I'd like you all to leave." Walter tried to usher them out.
「現在你們從哪裡來就從哪裡回去,」Mr. DiNozzo說,「我很高興能看到你們都離開。」
Gibbs looked like he wanted to rip both men to shreds. "Tony?" he prompted.
Tony let out a mirthless chuckle. "No, I'm good. I can see he's still the worthless piece of shit he always was. Him and Walter. We can go." He turned to walk out, except Mr. DiNozzo moved faster than Ziva was expecting, and managed to get a hand on Tony's shoulder.
Tony露出了一個陰鬱的輕笑。「沒事,我很好。我知道了他現在仍是個最不值得的狗屎。他和Walter都是。我們走吧。」他轉身要離開,但這時Mr. DiNozzo卻比Ziva預期中更快速地移動到了他們面前,並且用一隻手命令似地放在了Tony的肩上。
"Wait," the older man said, studying Tony. "Is it you? Anthony?"
"Get your hand off my shoulder," Tony said in a voice that would have had Ziva backing up. She didn't hear that voice very often, but people ignored it at their peril.
Apparently, Mr. DiNozzo liked to live dangerously because he left his hand there, trying to turn Tony around.
很顯然地,Mr. DiNozzo喜歡生活在危險之中、因為他儘管將手拿開了,卻試著想將Tony轉個一圈好瞧瞧。
"He said," Gibbs snarled, pushing Mr. DiNozzo away from Tony, "to take your hand off his shoulder." He moved in between Tony and his father.
「他說,」Gibbs咆哮,並將Mr. DiNozzo推離Tony。「把你的手從他的肩膀拿開。」他走過去擋在了Tony和他爸爸之間。
"Are you threatening me, again, in my own home?" Mr. DiNozzo asked incredulously. "I'll have you standing in front of a judge before sun up."
「你這是在恐嚇我,又一次地,在我的房子裡?」Mr. DiNozzo懷疑地問。「我可以在周日來臨前就讓你在法院接受審判。」
Gibbs got right in his face. "What I'm seeing is you threatening one of my agents. And I will do anything to protect what's mine."
"Gibbs," Tony said, putting his hand on Gibbs' shoulders. "He's not worth it. Really. Trust me, I know."
"Don't you talk like that to me," Mr. DiNozzo snapped, his face reddening in anger. He drew his hand back as if he'd smack Tony with it if Gibbs wasn't standing between him and his target.
「不准這樣跟我說話,」Mr. DiNozzo厲聲道,他的臉因為憤怒而紅了起來。他舉起了他的手像是如果沒有Gibbs站在中間擋著他和他的目標的話他就要一巴掌摑向Tony。
"You are a pitiful可鄙的 man," Ziva said in disgust. "Not even a man. A pig."
Even McGee sneered at him.
"I'd love to punch you again, so, please, try to attack Tony," Gibbs said. He knuckled one fist into the other. "I can't tell you how satisfying it was to put you on your ass."
Ziva barely kept the surprise off her face. She hadn't realized Gibbs had had the pleasure of actually hitting the man. She was momentarily jealous.
"Get out of my house," Mr. DiNozzo thundered怒喝.
「滾出我的房子,」Mr. DiNozzo怒喝道。
"Gladly," McGee said.
Gibbs glanced at Tony, eyebrows up, clearly willing to make a bigger scene if it was what Tony needed. Tony smiled tightly at him and shook his head. "I'm good."
But, then, Mr. DiNozzo made the mistake of grabbing Gibbs' shoulder, fingers digging in. "You stole my son from me."
但,接著,Mr. DiNozzo犯了個錯、他抓住了Gibbs的肩膀,指頭壓了進去。「你從我這裡偷走了我的兒子。」
Gibbs was already fisting his hand when Tony beat him to the punch, literally, throwing a beautiful upper cut that sent the older man into a wall. "Don't touch him," Tony threatened him. "Don't touch anything I care about. Ever."
"He poisoned you against me," his father said, climbing to his feet. Ziva noticed he was, however, keeping his distance.
"Are you delusional妄想症?" Tony demanded. "You beat me on a regular basis. You lost any right to be my father the first time you laid a hand on me. I thank God every day that you disowned me when I was twelve and sent me away." Tony placed his hand on Gibbs' shoulder, exactly where his father had put his hand. "Let's get out of this stink hole."
"Do they know the type of child you were?" Mr. DiNozzo shouted at their backs as they walked out the door. "Do they know how difficult you were? I was disciplining懲罰 you, for God's sake."
「他們知道你是什麼樣的小孩嗎?」Mr. DiNozzo在他們走出門時在背後大吼著。「他們知道你有多難搞嗎?我是在懲罰你,看在老天的份上。」
Gibbs was back in the door in a flash, and Ziva grinned as Mr. DiNozzo cringed蜷縮 away from him. "Disciplining him? By knocking him unconscious? Putting him in the hospital, time and time again? Breaking his arm, putting so many bruises on his body there was barely any normal skin tone left? Paying off hospital administrators and police chiefs to buy their silence? That's not discipline. That's you being a sick fuck."
Gibbs閃電般地轉過身背對了門,Ziva則是笑著看Mr. DiNozzo蜷縮著離了他一段距離。「懲罰他?用把他打到神智不清的方式?用把他送進醫院,一次又一次的方式?用打斷他的手臂,在他的身上送上許多瘀青讓他的身體幾乎沒有一處完好皮膚的方式?用收買救護車及警察來好讓他們視若無睹的方式?那不是懲罰。那是你他媽的生病了。」
Mr. DiNozzo might be an asshole, and at times unwise, but he could be taught, at least as far as Gibbs was concerned, as he kept his mouth shut and came no closer, clearly seeing that all it would take was a twitch to get Gibbs all over him. Ziva was very disappointed at his control, and she was wondering how she might provoke him. Gibbs' words about Tony's childhood were like daggers匕首, creating painful pictures in her head of a twelve year old boy, no, much younger, as it sounded as if he left when he was twelve, so he was a very young child, helpless, living under the tyranny暴虐 of this man.
Mr. DiNozzo可能是個渾球,並且在這時間點上顯得愚蠢,不過他有著學習能力,至少遠離了Gibbs的可及之處,並且閉上了他的嘴巴還有離得遠遠的,明顯看得出那超過了Gibbs可能突然扯過他來揍的距離。Ziva失望於他的自制,而她甚至想著她要怎麼挑釁他。根據Gibbs所說的那些Tony的童年就像是生活在刀尖上,那在她的腦海裡創造了一幅用十二歲男孩的痛苦所繪成的圖畫,不,應該更年輕,聽起來如果他是在十二歲時離開的,所以他那時應該是個更年輕的男孩,無助地,生活在這男人的暴虐之下。
Tony said something to McGee, handing him the piece of paper Walter had given Gibbs, and McGee nodded, slipping back out of the house, pulling out his cell phone.
Gibbs checked with Tony, who said as insolently無禮地 as he could, "I’m bored. Let's go."
Gibbs couldn't hold back a short laugh. Keeping an eye on the senior DiNozzo, he backed the team outside, Ziva allowing herself to be herded with the rest of them. Once out there, he still kept one eye on the door as he barked at McGee, "You call?"
"Local law enforcement's on their way to hold our suspect."
Gibbs grunted at that. "How long do you think?" he asked Tony.
"Before he realizes he can help make things difficult for you? Five minutes."
"You okay?" Gibbs asked.
"Yeah, I think I am," Tony told him, although Ziva could still see shadows in his eyes, and when Gibbs moved a few inches closer to him, she suspected he could see the same. "Besides," Tony said, "we have a suspect to catch, and if we catch him, I might actually get a good night's sleep, even if I have nowhere to sleep."
Ziva hadn't realized there'd been that much damage. "Your house is unlivable?"
"Pretty much," Gibbs said, as they walked back to the car.
"The back of the house, upstairs, is okay, which includes a bedroom and a bathroom, but everything else has holes in it. I think if anyone leaned on the front too hard, it would cave in and take everything else with it," Tony explained.
Gibbs glared at Tony. "Why didn't you think of that last night?"
"All I wanted to do was sleep, Gibbs," Tony protested. "I wasn't doing my best thinking."
"Damn it," Gibbs said with a sigh.
"I'd offer to let you both stay with me," McGee said, looking like he'd rather do the opposite, "but I only have one spare bedroom and it isn't really ready for company."
"No," Tony agreed, "it's filled with enough World of Warcraft paraphernalia全部有關的器材 to give any geek geekgasms."
"My apartment's not any bigger," Ziva said, although she was tempted to invite Tony. But the two of them, especially Gibbs, in her apartment, for weeks? She shuddered at the thought. "I think you will need to get a leash."
"Lease," Tony corrected her absentmindedly恍惚地. "We should probably get something together, boss. It would be a hell of a lot cheaper."
Gibbs shot Tony a sharp look, said, "Not unless it has a yard I can bury you in," then mumbled含糊地說, "we can talk about it later," then smacked Tony on the back of his head.
"Hey," Tony protested. "What was that for?"
"Practice," Gibbs said, getting into the car.
Ziva expected Tony to look disgruntled, but he was grinning instead, rubbing the back of his head as he got into the passenger side of the front seat. He held his casted arm against his chest.
"You need a pain pill?" Gibbs asked.
"No," Tony said. "It's a little sore, but I'll wait until we're back home."
"What home?" Gibbs snarked.
"You're depressing me," Tony grumped.
Ziva exchanged an amused glance with McGee. Sometimes listening to Tony and Gibbs was like listening to an old married couple. She blinked, startled at a sudden thought. Gibbs relaxed, looking like he'd gotten laid, Tony looking satisfied, the fact that the only part of the house still intact was a bedroom, meaning they'd slept in there together, Gibbs' excessive過分地 proprietary所有權 behavior行為 since this whole case started. She tossed拋 all the facts together in her head, coupled with all the new facets問題等的一個方面 of Tony she now knew about, and let them percolate過濾 as they drove across town. As they pulled into their suspect’s driveway, she shook her head, decided she was crazy to even be thinking that way, and put her mind back on the case.