Tim was with Tony at the back of the house, just in case, as they waited for Gibbs to announce himself at the front. Gibbs had wanted Tony to stay in the car, but Tony had refused, saying if Robson had expected Tony to show up, then nowhere was safe, and if he hadn't, then Tony would be fine.
There was a cop car parked in front of the house and both cops were in the house, so there was little danger of anything happening to anybody, but Tim was still trying his best to stay between Tony and the house, without letting Tony in on it, as he'd mock Tim fiercely for his efforts. It was a nice neighborhood, and a nice house, and from what Tim could see through the window, Robson had a lot of nice new toys. He was surprised Tony wasn't salivating流口水 over the huge television monitor the guy had mounted on the wall. Even the backyard looked new, brand燒焦的木頭 new hardscape硬景觀 with an outside fireplace壁爐 and lots of seating, with specialty特殊的 rock everywhere.
"Look," Tony said, pointing at a scrap of cloth on the ground.
"What?" Tim asked.
Tony flipped the cloth over and Tim saw it was a
Tim wasn't going to take that bet. He heard the front door open and, after a few seconds, heard running feet heading for the back door. Withdrawing his weapon, Tim braced himself, yelling, "NCIS, stop or I'll be forced to shoot."
"Nice, McProbie," Tony said. "You almost sounded like you meant that. Next time try it when he can hear you." He was prattling閒聊 on about real guns being different from Elf Lord projectile weapons when their suspect slammed out the back of the house running so fast, he was by Tim before he could shout again.
Tony put his arm out and Mark Robson ran right into his cast, nose first. He went flying backwards, nose gushing blood, landing on his back, cussing詛咒 up a storm. Tim aimed his weapon at him as he lay there.
Tony在Mark Robson會跑經的路上舉起了他斷掉的那隻手等著,鼻子先撞到了。他向後飛去,鼻子開始流血,倒回身後的地上,爆出一陣詛咒。當他擋在那裡時Tim瞄準了他的武器。
Tony, meanwhile, was doing his own cursing, after letting out a yell of pain that got Gibbs and Ziva racing through the house, the cops right behind him.
"Meet the idiot," Tony said, pointing down, cradling his cast, splattered飛濺 with blood, close to his chest.
Gibbs glanced down, then up at Tony. "Looks like there're a couple of idiots out here."
"Could you just book him so we can go? I really need a pain pill now."
Even Tim could see Tony wasn't faking this. His face was pale, even a little green, and Tim wondered if he was about to puke嘔吐. "Maybe you should sit down," he suggested.
Tony took a few wobbly steps, using his good arm to brace against the fireplace, sitting down on the curved stone seating area.
Ziva got Robson onto his front under Gibbs' watchful eye, and cuffed him, reading him his rights. When they got him on his feet, Robson saw Tony, let out an enraged激怒 shriek尖叫 and lunged for him, ripping himself out of Ziva's hold.
"You!" he screamed, as he plowed into Tony, knocking him off the wall onto his back. He scrambled to his feet and got in a solid堅固的 kick踢 into Tony's side, before Gibbs hauled him off. "It's all your fault!" Robson screamed, trying to kick him again. He had pointy尖的, steel-toed cowboy boots on.
Tony was trying to get to his feet, his good arm now clutching at his side, his face even more pained than before. "What the fuck did I ever do to you? I don't even know you." He staggered to his feet.
"He said he was going to cut me out of the will," the man screamed, almost incoherent無條理的, taking both Gibbs and Ziva to hold him. "He said he was going to stop giving me money and leave everything to you."
"Who?" Tony asked, sounding completely bewildered.
"Our father."
"I really need to sit down now," Tony said, hand flailing behind him for something to hold on to.
Gibbs threw Robson at the cops, and moved to Tony quickly, getting an arm around his shoulder, helping him to sit back down on the stone bench.
"You understand your rights, right?" one of the cops asked Robson.
"It was all going to be mine!" Robson screamed, his anger escalating升級. It was taking both cops to keep him contained, and Ziva was keeping her weapon trained on him.
"Why would you want anything of his?" Tony asked, truly mystified.
"It's millions, maybe more. Don't you understand?" Robson yelled.
"You're welcome to it," Tony said. "I don't want anything of his."
"You're lying. You're in this together!" Robson accused.
"Yeah, right." Tony said scathingly尖刻地, and a little breathlessly. "By the way, who's your mother?"
"None of your fucking business," was the hostile response.
Tim could only watch as the DiNozzo family hour continued to play out. His life was so normal it was almost impossible to believe that other people's lives could be so sordid. If he wasn't watching it, if he hadn't met Mr. DiNozzo in person, and seen what he was like, he still might not believe it.
Tim只能在原地呆呆地看著DiNozzo家的鬧劇上演。他的人生太過普通以至於他幾乎無法相信其他人的人生可以這麼的悲慘。如果他沒有親眼看見,如果他沒有見過Mr. DiNozzo的外表,並了解他的為人,他或許可能仍無法相信。
"Let's save the rest for the interrogation," Gibbs suggested. "We'll have to get a warrant to search the house." To the cops he added, "Secure the area."
"Yes, sir," the younger cop said. His eyes on Gibbs, and off Robson for a moment, Robson lunged at Tony again. Or he tried to lunge. He ended up running into Gibbs' fist instead. He went down again, howling, and the whole thing might have been funny, if it wasn't so tragic.
Chastened at his inattention粗心, the cop lifted Robson from the ground, none too gently, and he and his partner dragged him off, kicking and screaming, with Ziva on their tail.
"You okay?" Gibbs asked Tony.
To Tim's surprise and consternation, Tony shook his head. "I think he got a lucky kick in, boss," he gasped out. "It figures." He coughed, and some blood trickled out of his mouth.
"Call an ambulance," Gibbs snapped to Tim. Tim flipped open his phone, dialing 911. Finishing his call, as if by magic, there were more sirens out front, and Gibbs sent Tim off to see what was going on. He heard Tony spit輕蔑 out, "My father's goons受雇暴徒 have arrived."
Tim moved through the house to find that, indeed確實地, there were more police cars out in the street, and they seemed to be arguing with the first set of cops. Ziva looked like she was figuring out who to kill first. Wishing it were Gibbs out here, instead of him, Tim walked down and said, in his best Gibbs' imitation仿, "What's going on?"
"They want us to let him go," the younger cop complained.
Tim saw that Robson was safely locked up in the back seat, although he was pounding on the glass, his nose a bloody mess.
"That won't be possible. The man confessed to crimes against an NCIS agent. In addition, he attacked an NCIS agent in the back yard, and we were all witnesses to it." To the two police who had Robson in their custody. "Please carry on. I'll take care of this." To Ziva, he said, "Go help Gibbs. Tony's hurt." She hesitated, but then nodded, dashing for the back yard. He breathed a silent sigh of relief that she hadn't argued with him.
The cops seemed glad to have someone to take direction from, so they got in their car, Robson still locked in back, and drove off. To the new cops, Tim snapped, "What are your names? I'll need to report you for trying to impede妨礙 our case." He whipped open his small spiral notebook, glancing at their name tags, writing them down. "Let me see your badges, please. I need the numbers."
Looking apprehensive, both cops held out their badges so Tim could jot草草記下 down their numbers. "You'll be hearing from our attorneys," Tim said like he meant it. He didn't even know if there were lawyers at NCIS for stuff like that, but it sounded good. As the ambulance drove up, sirens blaring, he added, "Please leave." Tim encouraged the ambulance up the drive, and the staff to the backyard.
"Maybe we could help," one of the cops offered.
"We have an agent in serious medical condition in the back yard because of the man in the back of the police car that just left, and you wanted him set free. I don't think we need your sort of help. And take some advice, if the only reason you became a police officer was to jump whenever someone with money tells you to, maybe you should do the world a favor and turn your badge in."
One of the cop's faces reddened, while the other just looked confused.
Tim left them to whatever conversation his words might have caused, and ran to the back yard just in time to see them moving Tony quickly to the ambulance. Tony was gasping for air, his face a rictus (人在疼痛等時的)齜牙裂嘴of pain, blood dribbling out of his mouth and down his jaw. He also had a death grip on Gibbs' hand.
Gibbs tossed Ziva his keys. "I'm going with Tony. Get a warrant for the house." With that, they got Tony settled inside, Gibbs sitting down on the end of one of the benches. The driver shut the doors, got into the front, and drove away, lights flashing and sirens blaring.
The driver put dispatch on speaker phone where a doctor was waiting to listen to Tony's symptoms徵狀. While they spoke, the two staff in the back, a man and a woman, took on different duties. The man cut off Tony's shirt, putting leads on his chest and stomach, cleaning around his right collar bone with a pink tinged染 solution消散.
The woman got an IV靜脈內的 started and the needle針 attached to tubing以管輸送 and fluids液體, and also hooked鉤 the leads to a monitor. She started calling off numbers to the doctor on speaker.
"He a diabetic?" the doctor asked.
"No," Gibbs asked.
"Who's that?" the doctor asked, clearly not recognizing the voice.
"I'm his boss, and I have his medical Power of Attorney," Gibbs told the physician.
「我是他的上司, 而且我有他的法定醫療授理權,」Gibbs告訴治療者說。
"Anything I should know?"
"He was beaten badly a few weeks ago, but everything's healing. He took some damage to the kidneys but he was cleared a week ago. His arm's broken and in a cast, but it looks cracked because some asswipe tried to knock himself out by running into it, the same asswipe who just kicked him in the side with some pointy cowboy boots." And the same asswipe, Gibbs concluded silently, who would pay to the full extent of the law for picking Tony as his target. He also swore if he got off on an insanity plea, that Gibbs would make sure he never saw the light of day.
Tony was awake and clearly in pain, and Gibbs' wanted to still be holding his hand. The best he could do was put a hand on Tony's feet, so he did, his fingers curving around the top of his left foot. "Can you give him something for the pain?" Gibbs asked.
"After I get the chest tube in," the paramedic said. "We can't suppress his breathing right now." To Tony, he added, "I'm going to stick you with a small needle to help numb麻木 you, okay?"
Tony was trying too hard to breathe to answer, and the woman paramedic slid an oxygen mask over his face. Gibbs could still see him wince when he was stuck with the small needle. Gibbs could only rub Tony's feet, telling him it'd be better soon, that he wasn't going anywhere.
He heard the doctor give the order for something called a pneumothoraseal氣胸, and he focused back in to see the male paramedic open a sterile消過毒的 kit成套工具with a disturbingly令人不安 large needle hooked to a plastic塑膠製的 bag. "This is gonna hurt a lot for a moment, but then it's going to make you feel so much better," he both warned and consoled安慰 Tony and Gibbs, and then he carefully pushed the needle at a downward向下的 angle under Tony's clavicle鎖骨.
Tony groaned, trying to shift away, but Gibbs and the woman were holding him still. A small amount of bloody fluid squirted into the plastic bag and Gibbs could see the difference in Tony immediately as he started to breathe better.
"Better?" the paramedic asked. He quickly taped the needle in place.
Tony nodded, sagging back.
Gibbs could still feel the tension in Tony's body, as it trembled under his fingers. "Can you sedate平靜的 him now?" Gibbs begged. "He's had a really bad couple of days." Understatement保守的陳述of the year.
The woman smiled at Gibbs, pushed something into the IV tubing, and Gibbs finally relaxed when he saw Tony's eyes close. So close. The guy fails at hiring punks生手 to kill Tony, manages to burn down Tony's apartment when Tony's not there, blows up Gibbs' car when Tony's not in it, strafes掃射 Gibbs' house when Tony's safely in another room, and yet manages to almost take him out with a well-placed kick. Maybe he would take that leave of absence to work on his house. It would take that long for Gibbs' nerves膽量 to settle down.
Tony seemed to be sleeping, so Gibbs closed his own eyes, keeping his hand on Tony's foot, wanting to stay connected. That was something else to hate Robson for; there'd be no repeat tonight of last night's amazing sex. Gibbs had never had sex that good, and he was looking forward to more of it. And seeing as how Tony had already put forth the idea, in public, of them getting a place together while Gibbs' house was repaired, they could probably get away with it and have that nightly sex Tony had been teasing Gibbs about.
Maybe Tony could get a post office box, and he could keep living with Gibbs. The only person who'd even care would be Shepard, and Gibbs could handle her. Gibbs lost himself in the nice thought of sharing his home again with someone he loved, snapping斷 out of it when the ambulance came to an abrupt stop when they arrived at the hospital.
Gibbs jumped out as soon as the door opened, getting out of the way, but then following the stretcher into the emergency room急診室. Knowing the immediate danger was over, he flipped his phone open to call Tim for an update. After a scowl was sent his way by one of the nurses, Gibbs took it outside.
Gibbs was back in the hospital within fifteen minutes, and it took him another forty-five minutes to find Tony. He was sent down to radiology, only to be told they'd taken him to the outpatient門診病人 surgery department. That was a lie, as Tony wasn't there, so Gibbs, barely managing not to pull his firearm, went back to the emergency room. From there he was sent back to radiology, only to be told Tony wasn't there.
Something in his expression must have alerted警覺 the young man working the radiology desk about an imminent (危險等)逼近的explosion爆發, because he got busy on the phone. After several phone calls, it was determined that Tony actually was in radiology, and Gibbs was escorted護航, after an angry flash of his badge, to where they had Tony waiting for a film to be taken to check the placement定位 of a real chest tube that had been put in place of the temporary one.
"Hey," Tony said to him, looking thoroughly doped up.
Part of Gibbs' anger dissipated消失 at the loopy look on Tony's face, glad at least that even though the hospital seemed to have no idea where their patients were, at least they kept them out of pain. "Hey," Gibbs said back, taking Tony's hand in his. "You look like you're in no pain."
"No pain," Tony echoed, grinning happily.
Gibbs chuckled at him. A tech came to get Tony, and Gibbs watched him get wheeled away, still snickering as Tony waved madly at him until he was out of sight. It only took a few minutes and then Tony was back, and Gibbs accompanied him up to his room. They needed to keep Tony overnight, at a minimum最小限度, until they were sure his lung肺 was okay. Tony was still too doped up to care, which explained why he wasn't bitching about spending the night in the hospital.
Gibbs tapped Tony's face lightly to get his attention. "Are you okay on your own? I need to go interrogate Robson, and arrange for him to be transferred back to DC."
"Sure," Tony said, snuggling into his pillow, and looking, Gibbs was amused to think, completely adorable. It made Gibbs wish he knew how to use the video part of his phone.
When Gibbs made to leave, Tony said, "Hey, where you goin'?"
"I told you, I have to go check on Robson."
Tony frowned. "Want you here."
Gibbs didn't like feeling torn, but he had to make sure everything regarding Robson was handled the right way. Plus, he didn't think Tony's father was done causing him headaches. "As drugged as you are, I'll be back before you know it."
He really didn't like the shadows that were appearing in Tony's eyes, despite the drugs, and it made Gibbs even angrier with Robson and Tony's dad. DiNozzo Senior might not have asked Robson to commit murder on his behalf, but Gibbs was sure his treatment of what was obviously a bastard son had been egregious enough to push him over the edge.
"My father isn't going to show up, is he?" Tony asked, sounding all of twelve again, and Gibbs had a nasty flashback to twenty years ago, sneaking into a hospital to visit a battered younger Tony.
It made Gibbs even less willing to leave, and it brought home one of the reasons why falling in love with a co-worker had its drawbacks缺點. "I'll make sure they know not to let anyone in your room," Gibbs promised Tony.
Tony didn't look like he believed Gibbs, but the drugs were winning the battle, and his eyes grew heavy-lidded. Gibbs kissed him on the forehead and went out to give the nurses at the nursing station a short list of the only people allowed to enter Tony's room. They seemed to take it seriously enough, writing the names down, and reassuring Gibbs that someone was always at the desk. Despite his unwillingness to leave Tony alone, Gibbs walked away, determined to bring Tony's attacker to justice.