Gibbs was almost to the police station when his phone rang.  "Gibbs."



"Robson is gone," Ziva said, without preamble.



"How the hell did that happen?" Gibbs snarled, even as he executed a one-eighty back the way he came. 



"I do not know," Ziva said stiffly into the phone.  "Abby was able to get us a warrant very quickly, and we searched the house before heading to the police station.  There was enough evidence there to convict him a thousand times over.  He was brought in and processed, and according to their paperwork, put in a cell.  But he is not there."



"Damn it all to hell," Gibbs cursed.  "Get to the hospital."



"You are not there?" Ziva asked, sounding truly anxious.



"No, I’m not there.  I was on my way to the station to interrogate Robson," Gibbs snapped.  "Call the hospital and alert security.  I’m on my way back.  I want someone outside Tony's room immediately."



Gibbs heard her bark an order at McGee, and McGee's voice in the background.  "He may try to flee," she said.



"Did that look like a rational有理的 man to you, Officer David?" Gibbs bit out.  He snapped his phone shut, cursing a blue streak, and raced back to the hospital.





There were three police cars at the hospital when he got there, and as he had no idea who he could trust, thanks to DiNozzo's name and money, he flashed his badge and headed inside, bypassing the elevators and aiming for a stairwell.



Four floors later, he entered by the end of the hallway Tony's room was on.  There were two men, not hospital security, and not cops, outside Tony's door.  Gibbs had no idea where the cops were, but they sure as hell weren't where they should be, unless they were all playing poker inside the room with Tony.  The security personnel人員 were hovering at the nurses' station, even though there was a nurse arguing with the two men, hands on her hips, her face flushed, clearly in need of assistance.



When the nurse caught sight of Gibbs, she said in a very frustrated tone, "I'm sorry, they were in his room before I could get to them, and these men won't let me in." 



"Who's in there?"



"I don't know," she said, glaring at the larger of the two men.  "That's a sick patient in there.  He's not supposed to have any visitors."



"It's just his father, ma'am," the younger man said.



"There were two men," she told Gibbs.  "An old man and a younger one, too."



Gibbs wondered again where the cops were.  Is this what Tony had dealt with his whole life?  How had Tony stood it?  Watching people left and right throw him to the wolves, over and over again.  When had it started?  Gibbs didn't even know.  All he knew was that it had been years.  So, had Tony been five?  Six?  Crying to nurses, to doctors, to anyone to help, to listen.  And no one had.  It made Gibbs want to shoot someone. 



One of the security officers, a large, overweight man, easily in his late fifties, headed toward them.  "I think you all need to just calm down."  The other security officer, a short black woman, who looked like she weighed eighty pounds soaking wet, called down the hallway, "Is there somethin' going on?"



Gibbs felt like he was in the middle of a Keystone Cops movie.  He pulled out his badge, and making sure the two men saw his weapon, snarled, "Stand aside."  Something in his expression must have communicated the fact that anyone stopping him wasn't long for this life, because they both got out of the way.



Turning to the nurse, he told her, "Any cops come up here, you tell them to wait until I call for assistance."  With the way his luck was running, they'd all come storming into the room and shoot Tony and him by accident. 



He pushed the door open, taking in the scene in front of him.  All three of them were there, Tony, Mark Robson, and DiNozzo Senior.  Robson was armed, his gun wavering between Tony and his father, his hair matted down, sweat pouring off his face. 

他推開病房門,立刻搞清楚了擺在他眼前的狀況。他們三個都在,TonyMark Robson,還有老DiNozzoRobson持有武器,他的槍搖擺在Tony和她老爸之間,他的頭髮亂成一糟,並滿臉是汗。


"Put the gun down now," Gibbs demanded, pulling his own gun and aiming it at Robson.  "I will shoot you.  Gladly." 



"Hey, boss," Tony said weakly from the bed.  "Glad you could join the party.  It's a real family reunion."



Gibbs couldn't take his eyes off of Robson, but he had to hope if Tony was making jokes that he wasn't dying.  "You okay, Tony?"






Good enough for right now.  "Put the gun down," he growled at Robson.



"No," Robson said stubbornly頑固地.  "Not until I get what he promised me."



"Good job," Gibbs said sarcastically to the older DiNozzo.  "Two sons; one can't stand you, and the other's a murderer."



"You can hardly hold me to blame—" the man started.



"I hold you entirely to blame," Gibbs yelled at him.  "What the fuck are you doing here?  You know Tony doesn't want you here."



"Your opinion of me," DiNozzo said condescendingly, "is of no concern to me.  And my son is injured, where else would I be?"



Gibbs was speechless for a long moment. 



"Don't bother, boss," Tony said, sounding inestimably難以估計 weary.  "Whatever you're saying is falling on deaf ears.  Trust me; he has no clue there's anything wrong with the way he is."



Gibbs felt such a surge of love and admiration for Tony, it made his body shake.  "Robson, you have five seconds to put down your weapon, or I will shoot."



"It's his fault," Robson cried, the weapon aiming steadily at the elder DiNozzo.  "He said I had to do it."



"I said no such thing," DiNozzo said scornfully.  "I simply told you to prove yourself, as I would expect of anyone before I could even consider naming them my heir.  There are others eager to take their place as my protg."



"Not me," Tony said.  "Mark, you're welcome to it."



"He said he would leave it all to you," Robson said angrily.  "That I was nothing compared to you.  That I'd have to impress him to make him choose me over you."



"He disowned me," Tony said as kindly as he could, given the circumstances.  "He's playing you, like a tuna on a hook.  That's all he does.  That's all he knows how to do: use people, set them against each other, and smile as he watches them die a little bit each day.  Put the gun down.  He won't give you what you want.  I promise you that."



"He made me do it," Robson yelled again, tears streaming down his face.



"There are ten people dead because of you.  People I knew.  Friends of mine.  Three women were raped, three men beaten.  No one made you do that."



"He's actually killed people?" the elder DiNozzo asked, sounding as if he was shocked, but Gibbs was sickened to hear an edge of morbid interest there.  Like Robson actually killing people made him more interesting to his father. 



"You said it could all be mine," Robson said again, his voice taking on a dangerous tone that got Gibbs ready for anything.  "Put the gun down," Gibbs demanded again.  When Robson ignored him, Gibbs decided he'd given sufficient warning.  He shot Robson in his right shoulder. 



His gun went flying, and DiNozzo Senior grabbed for it at the same time Robson did.  The door to Tony's room flew open and two cops pushed in, McGee and Ziva right behind, trying to stop them.  They all had a weapon out.  Gibbs turned back to DiNozzo and Robson to find they both had their hands on the gun.  Blood was streaming down Robson's chest and arm, but he wasn't letting go.  Robson was trying to aim the gun at Tony, while DiNozzo Senior looked like he was gunning for Gibbs.  Someone hit the trigger and a bullet slammed into the mattress床墊 Tony was lying on, dangerously close to his knee.



"Shit!" Tony yelled.  He couldn't exactly roll off the bed with all the tubes coming out of him. 



Before Gibbs could shoot again, both cops opened fire, and Robson and the older DiNozzo were down on the ground.  There was a long moment of silence.



"Holy crap," Tony said, sounding stunned.  "Are they dead?"



Ziva moved to DiNozzo Senior, while Gibbs moved to Robson, both of them feeling for pulses.  Gibbs shook his head at the same time Ziva did.



Standing, Gibbs moved to Tony's side, where he'd wanted to be since he'd slammed through the door.  Standing guard while Ziva and McGee secured the room, Gibbs called the director to let her know they had a mess on their hands, and if she could make some phone calls, Gibbs would appreciate it.  Despite the old man's influence影響 in this town, a part of Gibbs was half expecting a parade of munchkins無事忙的人 dancing down the street singing 'ding-dong the witch is dead' once the news got out that DiNozzo Senior was dead. 



He shot his senior agent a quick look, wincing, realizing that Tony might not be so sanguine懷著希望的 about his dad being dead.  Tony's eyes were wide, and he was looking at the two dead bodies.  "Holy crap," he said again.  Then to Gibbs, he whined, "God, I hope he didn't leave everything to me."  Eyes heavenward, he added plaintively, "Please, God, anyone else.  The gardener園丁, maybe." 



"He disowned you, remember?" Gibbs said.



"Best day of my life," Tony said fondly, quietly adding, "until I found you again." 



Fortunately, no one was paying any attention to them.  "Sorry your dad is dead," Gibbs managed to choke out, even though he wasn't at all.



"I'm not," Tony said.  "That's not to say I won't have a meltdown溶化 about this all later, and maybe need some therapy治療 to figure out what the hell I'm supposed to feel, but right now, I just feel relieved.  He really was an asshole."



"He really was," Gibbs agreed.



More people were squeezing in the room, including the two security officers, and a couple of people in suits, no doubt hospital administrators, and Gibbs let out a piercing刺耳的 whistle.  "Head's up," he told everyone, "I suggest we get these bodies removed.  This DiNozzo," he jerked his thumb over his shoulder at Tony, "needs another room.  I suggest you," and he pointed to the administrators, "talk to your security staff as to why they let two unauthorized未經批准的 visitors into my agent's room, and didn't assist the nurse who was trying to obey my instructions."



Everyone but Gibbs' team stared at him like a deer鹿 in headlights.



"Move," Gibbs bellowed, and everyone started moving.



Tony tugged on his arm, pulling him close, whispering in his ear, "I so want you to fuck me right now."



Gibbs was appalled to feel his face redden, not to mention his dick stand up and take notice, and he shot a glare in Tony's direction, who was grinning at him, eyes dark with arousal, and looking totally unrepentant不悔過的.   "You'll pay for that," Gibbs hissed at him.



"I certainly hope so," Tony said back, batting his eyes at Gibbs.



Gibbs bit back a laugh.  



An orderly護理員 arrived to wheel Tony to a different room, while one of the nurses' aides started to gather Tony's belongings in a plastic bag. 



"I'll need your weapon," Ziva told Gibbs, and Gibbs surrendered it to her.  For this brief moment in time, Tony might actually be safe from murdering psychopaths精神病患者 and abusive fathers.



He walked beside Tony's bed as it was wheeled to the elevator.



"We thought another floor might be best," one of the administrator's said.  "I'm Norman Bragg, COO.  I apologize for all of this, Mr. DiNozzo," he said to Tony.  "I'll be looking into what happened personally."  Gibbs could smell the fear and sucking up like a dead skunk. 

「我們想其他樓層的病房可能會好一點,」其中一個護理人員說。「我是Norman Bragg,營運長。我對這所有發生的事情致歉,Mr. DiNozzo」他對著Tony說。「我會私底下詳細了解到底發生了什麼事的。」Gibbs幾乎可以聞到那擔憂的味道就像是臭鼬一樣。


"Don't call me Mr. DiNozzo, please," Tony said tightly.  "The name is Tony.  And don't look into this because I'm my father's heir, because I'm not."

「別叫我Mr. DiNozzo,拜託,Tony緊繃地說。「我的名字是Tony。而且不用因為我是我爸的繼承人就詳細了解了,因為我不是。


There was an embarrassed silence for a few seconds, and Gibbs had to hold back a mirthless laugh as he watched Bragg regroup, as he realized he didn't have a cranky好奇的 millionaire百萬富翁 to contend with.  "In any case, we do apologize for the incon--"  Bragg stopped as if calling Tony's father being shot in front of him an inconvenience不便, might be a bit callous冷酷無情的.  "We offer our condolences慰問, of course."

所有人困窘地沉默了數秒,接著Gibbs在看向Bragg regroup時壓回了一個陰沉的笑容,同時後者認知到他不該對個百萬富翁有過多的好奇。「在任何情況中,我們都會致上歉意向Bragg停住了說話像是他如果在Tony的面前說他爸爸因槍殺而死是很不敬的事,也許是太過冷酷無情。「我們總是會慰問的,當然。」


Tony looked at Gibbs and mouthed the word, "Help!"



"Go away," Gibbs said to Bragg.



Bragg stared at Gibbs.



"Really.  Go away."  He gestured at the orderly, who was doing a lousy job at keeping amusement off his face, "We've got this handled."  The elevator dinged, and Gibbs assisted the orderly in getting the bed situated in the car.  It took up almost all the available room, making it easy to keep Bragg out.  "What floor?" he asked the orderly, when the door shut.



"Three," the young man said, beaming at him.



Gibbs saw that Tony was grinning, too.  "What?"  He pressed the number three.



"Nothing," Tony said, teeth showing as his smile broadened擴大.



Gibbs rolled his eyes and paid no attention to the two of them, only turning back to them when the elevator doors opened on the third floor.  A few minutes later, Tony was settled in a new room.



"I like this room much better," Tony said.  "No bodies.  No dead people anywhere."  Despite his joking, Gibbs could see exhaustion and pain in his eyes.



Gibbs hit the call button.



"Can I help you?" a static-y voice came over the speaker.



"Tony needs some pain medicine."



"No, I don't," Tony protested.



"Yes, you do," Gibbs ordered.



Tony didn't argue any more, which was proof enough.  Someone was there in less than a minute, which kept Gibbs from having to kill anyone, and five minutes after that, Tony was fast asleep.



Gibbs sank into one of the wood and fabric chairs in the room, exhaustion, and the aftermath後果 of too many adrenalin腎上腺素 surges to even think about, wiping him out.  Another close call.  Robson could have easily killed Tony before Gibbs had returned, let alone after.  Gibbs' nerves were actually shot.



Ziva and McGee chose that moment to walk in, and Gibbs couldn't even marshal the energy to sit up straight. 



"You look tired," McGee noted.



"Ya think?" Gibbs said.  At the rebuffed look on McGee's face, Gibbs waved a hand in his direction, as if erasing消去 his comment.  "Anything I need to do?"  He hoped like hell the answer was no.  He didn't think he could get up if his life depended on it.



"No," Ziva said.  "The Director has taken care of things for the time being.  You will need to be questioned, but she has told them that they can come to NCIS headquarters總部 to do that."



Gibbs closed his eyes.  Perfect.






He tried to answer, really he did, but it was too hard to move his lips, let alone pull words together, so he decided it was time for a nap, and Ziva and McGee could just go bother someone else.





A week later, Tony, Gibbs, and Tony's father's attorney sat around the dining room table in one of the suites at the Westin Grand. 

一周後,TonyGibbs,還有Tony父親的律師坐在了Westin Grand套房的用餐間裡。


"So I don't get anything?" Tony asked the attorney.



The attorney shook his head warily, as if Tony might pounce on him.



Tony closed his eyes.  "Thank you, thank you, thank you.  You don't know how happy you just made me."



The attorney, Phillip Zachary Dahlheimer, Esq., stared at Tony.  He'd come to deliver a message from Tony's father telling him that he had been purposely left out of the will, and clearly had thought his message would be poorly received.  "I don't understand."

那個律師,Phillip Zachary Dahlheimer, Esq.,瞪著Tony。他來是為了傳達Tony爸爸的訊息、告訴他被屏除在遺產繼承人之外,並且很明顯地他所傳達的訊息中還帶著癟腳的同情。「我不明白。」


Gibbs said, "He didn't want his money."



"I really didn't," Tony said.  "I didn't want anything of his."  Then, he asked, "Who did he leave it to?"



"Company assets資產 are being split between the Board, and his personal funds were left to Bennie Bruno."

「公司方面的資產分割給董事會成員,而他的個人財富則是留給了Bennie Bruno


Tony let out a laugh.  "Cousin Bennie.  Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy."



"The cousin who collects buttons?" Gibbs clarified.



"The one and only."



"He going to try to give you some of that money?" Gibbs asked.



"Oh, yeah," Tony said.  "He's a good guy.  But I still don't want it."  He flashed Gibbs a wicked淘氣的 smile.  "Unless someone you know wants a rich sugar daddy?"



"No one I know," Gibbs said firmly.  "Is that all?" Gibbs asked Dahlheimer.



"Yes," the man said faintly.  "I must admit, that went better than I expected."



"Did you know my father?" Tony asked.



"No, I never met him.  One of the partners of the firm always dealt with him."



In other words, Gibbs thought to himself, they stuck this poor guy with a shit job.



"If you'd met him," Tony said, "you'd probably understand."  He leaned in.  "My father was kind of a jerk."



Gibbs snorted at that. 



Looking confused, but content to leave in that condition情況, Dahlheimer got up, collecting his papers.  "Thank you for your time."



"Anytime," Tony said grandly, getting up, and escorting the attorney to the door of the hotel suite.  When Tony shut the door behind him, he locked it and put the security chain on.  "Alone at last."



"You really don't mind that he left you out of his will?" Gibbs asked, thinking it had to sting a little.



Taking his question seriously, Tony sat on the chair he'd been sitting on before.  "You mean like how my father got the last word in?  That even though he's dead he's still managing to tell me how worthless he thought I was?"



"That was harsher刺耳的 than I meant it, but yeah, let's go there."



Tony thought for a long while.  "I guess it stings a little, but only because I really wished I'd had a father who loved me, and now I won't ever have that.  But, this just cements the fact that he was" Tony looked like he was struggling to find the right words.



"A worthless piece of shit?" Gibbs offered in hostile tones.  "A miserable不幸的 excuse理由 for a human being who deserved to be flayed alive and then burned in boiling oil?"



Eyes wide, Tony said, "Don't hold back.  Tell me how you really feel."



"I hate him, and I'm glad he's dead.  And I have no idea how you turned into the man you are today.  I can't tell you how proud I am of you, and how much I admire you."



Tony looked away, swallowing.



Gibbs got up to sit on the edge of the table in front of him, cupping his face with his hands.  "I mean it, Tony.  I know I don't say these things enough, but you impressed the hell out of me when you were twelve, and you knock my socks off now.  You are a kind, compassionate, funny, smart, and dedicated man, and it's an honor to be loved by you."



Tony sniffed, glaring at Gibbs.  "Shut up."  He sniffed again, his eyes bright. 



"No, I won't," Gibbs said, kissing him gently, letting his hands drop.  "I expect there'll be some rough days ahead for you, as all of this starts to sink in, and I'll be there every step of the way.  But I know you'll get through it, and you'll be able to live the rest of your life all the better without the shadow of that sick fuck hanging over you."



Tony scrubbed at his nose with his fingers, wiping at his eyes, letting out a shaky breath.  "You don't know how much it helps that you knew him for what he was, that you don't have to just take what I'm saying on faith."  He stood and put up his hands on Gibbs' shoulders.  "You helped me become who I am, back when I was twelve, and all these years I've worked for you.  You are one hell of a man, Jethro, and I think I'm the lucky one here.  I don't know what I did to end up having you love me the way you do, but I thank my lucky stars every night."



This time Gibbs had to swallow, and he rested his forehead against Tony's. 



"Are we done with the mushy感傷的 stuff?" Tony asked with a hint of laughter in his voice.



"Yes," Gibbs said.



"Then, will you please take me to bed?"



"It would be my pleasure," Gibbs said wickedly, standing up, and pulling Tony up so they were standing very close together. 



"You sure you don't want me to be your sugar daddy?" Tony asked, leaning in to kiss Gibbs.



"Very sure," Gibbs said.  "I wouldn't touch a penny of that blood money."



"Oh, I didn't mean that.  My Aunt Carolyn was loaded, and she left me all her money."  Tony let his hand brush along Gibbs' body as he turned to head to the larger of the two bedrooms.



"How loaded?" Gibbs asked suspiciously, brow furrowed.   



"Loaded with a capital L," Tony said, yanking his shirt off and leaving it on the floor.  His shoes were kicked off next.



"How did I not know this?  None of this is in your background check."  Gibbs wasn't sure he believed Tony.



"Remember how I told you my Aunt Carolyn was nuts?"



Gibbs nodded.



"She was paranoid, too.  She hid all the money.  Swiss bank accounts, accounts on the Cayman Islands.  She had a safe deposit box thing, too, and all the ones I've gotten to have been loaded with bonds債劵 and gold and jewels.  Mostly diamonds."  His socks came off, and then his belt. 

「她也是個偏執狂。她藏起了所有的錢。瑞士銀行有一些,還有一些在Cayman Islands(凱曼群島)。她也有安全保險箱,我看過的那些都放了債劵還有黃金還有珠寶。還有一些鑽石。」他的襪子脫了掉,然後是皮帶。


"You mean you weren't pulling McGee's leg when you told him you have safe deposit boxes filled with gold and jewels?" Gibbs asked in astonishment, pulling his socks off his feet.



"Well, I lied about the drugs.  At least I hope there aren't drugs."  Tony grimaced at the thought.  "And the jewels aren't stolen.  She's got receipts for all of them."



Gibbs wasn't convinced Tony was telling the truth.  "DiNozzo."



Tony flicked open the button to his jeans, pulling the zipper down just enough for Gibbs to see he wasn't wearing anything under those jeans.  Gibbs licked his lips just thinking about it.  Gibbs cupped his own groin, feeling his cock grow heavy underneath his fingers. 



"All that money turn you on?" Tony asked teasingly.  "I'm serious, you know.  I own property all over the world under dummy names.  Most of it I've never even seen.  You could come see it with me.  Italy, Hong Kong, Argentina."

「需要把所有錢都轉到你名下嗎?」Tony戲謔地問。「我認真的,你知道。我所擁有的那些東西被藏在全世界的假名下。有很多我根本從來沒看過。你可以和我一起去找。Italy(義大利),Hong Kong(香港),Argentina(阿根廷)。


"You're telling the truth, aren't you?" Gibbs said in stupefaction.



"Yup," Tony said, shimmying out of his jeans.  "So, you want to rethink that sugar daddy thing?"



Gibbs wasn't quite sure what to think. "So you don't have to work?"



Tony shook his head, backing up into the bedroom.



Gibbs followed him.  "You really could be a wild playboy at some beach resort?"



"I think I own a couple," Tony admitted.  "Beach resorts, not playboys."



Tony could have left anytime.  After he caught the plague, after Kate died, and everything else that happened to him, Tony could have walked any time he wanted to.  "Did you stay just because of me?"



Tony shook his head, lying back on the bed.  "That was part of it, but I became a cop a long time before I started working for you."  He lay there looking like a porn star, but he gave Gibbs a serious look.  "You showed me what a man was supposed to be a long time ago, Gibbs.  You probably don't remember it, but that night in the hospital, you told me that you expected good things from me, and for me not to let you down.  I took that to heart, and I chose right then that I was going to make a difference with my life.  I know it sounds corny陳腐的, but I like being a cop, no matter how much I gripe about it."



Gibbs could hardly argue the point when Tony could have chosen to do anything with that kind of money.  Gibbs let his own pants and underwear slip to the floor and stepped out of them.  Even though his exact words that night weren't clear to him, he remembered wanting so much for Tony, wishing he could hold him, and tell him he was loved, and so, so worthwhile. 



Taking off his shirt, Gibbs crawled into bed with Tony and wrapped his arms around him.  "I love you, DiNozzo.  I always will."



Tony sighed in mock distress, even though his eyes were gleaming with delight.  "Are we back to mushy?"



"I just don't want you to ever think you aren't loved.  Okay?"






"And I don't need your money, and I sure as hell don't need a sugar daddy, but I'd love to go see those places you own, and maybe we could buy a sailboat together.  How's that sound?"



"Like everything I ever wanted," Tony said softly.  "Everything."



Gibbs thought that was a good place to start, so he pulled Tony closer and leaned in for a kiss.





!!!The End!!!

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