"Why are there no cabs?" she said, a couple hours later. She was tired and cold. The air that had felt so refreshing清涼的 after the heat熱 of the club, now was chilling. Tony slung his jacket around her shoulders.
"Let's call for one," he said, pulling his phone out.
"We'll have to wait twenty minutes for one," she protested. "Let's just walk the five blocks up to M Street. We can get a cab there."
"No walking," Tony said. He was scrolling through his contacts.
"You really think they're hiding around the corner to attack us?" she said with a scoff.
"No walking," Tony said again. He hit the send button, and Abby could hear the phone ringing. In a few seconds, Tony was ordering a cab to come pick them up at the club. "What?" he said, a frown on his face. "An hour? I could walk home in an hour," he protested. "Very funny," he said to whatever the person said back to him. He hung up.
"Are we walking?" Abby said.
Two men came out of the club; one of them had been on the dance floor with them for the last hour or so. She recognized his t-shirt. "Hey," she said. "Where are you guys walking to?"
"Up to M Street," the one she recognized said.
"Let's walk with them," Abby said sensibly明智地 to Tony. No way would their bad guys go after three guys and a woman.
Tony hesitated for a second, but then he shrugged, acquiescing.
Abby was relieved. The last thing she wanted to do was wait an hour for a cab. She'd rather call Gibbs than do that. If it wasn't two in the morning, she'd call Gibbs. It wouldn't be the first time, although usually she called Tony first.
They all started walking toward M Street, small talk quickly extinguishing. Abby figured they were both as tired as she and Tony. It suddenly dawned端倪 on her that they were sort of veering轉向 off from the direction she thought they should be going. Tony started slowing down a little so there was some space between them and the two men they were walking with.
"Abby," Tony said quietly. "Don't look, but we've got two guys behind us."
"No way," she said, not willing to go there. "Maybe they're just from the club."
"I don't like it," Tony said tersely. "You need to get out of here."
"I'm not leaving you," she protested.
"Oh, yes, you are," he said. "If these are our four guys, you staying won't make any difference, and you know what they did to those other women."
Abby's stomach roiled攪拌. "But, Tony," she began.
"Abby," Tony snapped at her, slowing even more. "Don't make me have to watch them hurt you. Do not. I can't handle it."
"They might kill you," she cried, softly, seeing that their conversation was starting to attract notice. "They could rape you, if they're pissed enough."
"I don't think so," Tony said. "That's not their MO. But they will rape you. All of them. Right now, they don't know we're on to them; they don't know I'm a cop, and I can hold my own for a little while. When I start running toward them, you run as fast as you can until you're around other people. You call 911 and tell them there's an officer down, and then you call Gibbs. Promise me."
"What if they kill you?" she cried again.
"It'll be worth it," Tony said, his eyes blazing with sincerity and fear, "if it means you get away. You understand me?"
She couldn't believe this was happening again. That Tony was about to be beaten to protect her. Again.
"What's going on?" one of the men called. They started walking toward Tony and Abby. There were alleys on either side of them; the only way toward freedom was the direction they were walking which the two men now blocked阻擋.
"Just your typical date argument," Tony said with one of his 'you-can't-help-but-like-me' grins. She's ready for the night to be over, and I want to go over to her place."
"That's not really going to be a problem," the man said, a really disturbing grin on his face.
"Go!" Tony yelled as he barreled高速行進 into both men, the surprise attack knocking them to the ground.
Abby took off起跑, running toward M Street, yelling her head off, hoping she might scare the men off if they thought someone would come to investigate. She got her phone out, holding it tightly, afraid she'd lose it in her flight; her hands were sweaty滿身是汗的 with terror驚駭.
Behind her she heard running footsteps and someone yelled, "Get her!" Then she heard Tony yell, and someone hit the ground hard. She put on another burst of steam and managed to hit the numbers 911. Over her shoulder she hollered叫喊, "I'm calling the cops right now! Leave him alone!"
She hit M Street, where there were still people around, just as dispatch answered. "Officer down," she cried into the phone, "corner of M street and 31st. Send someone right away."
She could hear the call going out, and then the operator接線生 was back, asking who she was.
"Abby Sciutto," she said, looking over her shoulder, wishing Tony would materialize突然出現 out of the darkness behind her. She could hear punches being thrown, and the sound of metal金屬, and she had to swallow hard not to throw up. "I'm with NCIS, we were attacked. God, I've got to call Gibbs. Is someone coming?"
「Abby Sciutto,」她說著,並轉過頭去,希望Tony會突然從那個黑暗的地方出現並站在她身後。她可以聽見毆打的聲音傳來,還有金屬的擊打聲,她必須很困難的吞嚥才不會讓自己吐出來。「我在NCIS工作,我們被攻擊了。老天,我必須打給Gibbs。你們已經派人來了嗎?」
"Yes," she was assured. "Units are in the vicinity and are on their way."
Over her labored breathing, Abby could hear sirens. "They're coming," she yelled into the darkness, hoping they could hear her and stop hurting Tony. She hung up and called Gibbs.
Gibbs rubbed his eyes as he headed up the stairs. Either they'd forgotten to call, or they were making a night of it. Regardless, he didn't think he could stay awake much longer. Just as he thought that, his phone rang. He retraced his steps down as he'd left it on the workbench. Flipping it open, he hadn't even said his name when Abby screamed into the phone, "Gibbs!"
Gibbs was already running up the stairs. "Abby, what is it?"
"They're killing Tony!" she sobbed in the phone.
For just a moment, an endless moment, Gibbs was completely disoriented. It felt as if he were reliving history, remembering so clearly the last time Abby had called, hysterical, needing Gibbs help to protect someone else. "Where are you?" he demanded, already out the door, his keys in his hand.
"M Street and 31st. Hurry!" She let out a sobbing breath.
"Did you call 911?" he asked, getting the car turned on and squealing out of his driveway. He yanked猛地一拉 his police light out of the glove compartment汽車儀表板上放雜物的凹處. Gibbs couldn't remember the last time he'd used it, and hoped the batteries really lasted as long as he'd been told. He secured牢固 it to the top of his car, the heavy magnets holding it in place, flipping the on switch. He saw the amber glow and took off, not worrying about his speed and certainly not planning to stop at any red lights.
"What happened?" Gibbs asked to keep Abby talking, and to reassure himself that she was all right.
"Tony keeps getting hurt to protect me," she said, sounding understandably distraught心煩意亂的.
"What?" That sentence made no sense to Gibbs.
"Tony," she said. "Remember when his dad beat him up? He made me go and leave him behind," she wailed. "I wanted to stay this time. I could have helped him."
"Wait," Gibbs said, his mind reeling. "This Tony is Anthony?" It seemed so inconceivable不能想像的. Maybe Abby was just mixed up. But then just thinking about it, so many things slid into place. How easily Tony had trusted Gibbs and felt comfortable around him. How Tony and Abby had become instant立即的 best friends. The way Gibbs had felt so connected to his new agent. "Why didn't he tell me?"
Instead of answering, he could hear Abby yelling at the cops, directing them, "Down there, about four blocks. There were four of them. They probably have baseball bats or worse."
"Don't go down there," Gibbs ordered, sure she was ready to go after them.
"But he could be hurt," she said in a shaky voice. "Because of me. Because I said we had to go out. Because I said we could walk. He said no walking, and I said but it's only five blocks, and he said no walking, and I didn't listen, I just asked two guys to walk with us, just invited them along like some kind of idiot, and then there were two guys behind us, and then they started sort of making us go in the wrong direction. And I didn't even notice. I'm such an idiot."
Her voice was getting louder and faster, and Gibbs could picture her pulling on her pigtails, or however her hair was styled, tears running down her face, and then he saw an Abby twenty years younger sobbing in his arms. "Abby," Gibbs snapped at her. "I need you to pull it together, can you do that? I'm almost there. Keep an eye out for me."
Gibbs could hear running footsteps. "Abby?" he yelled, fearing that someone was after her now.
"It's one of the cops. He's checking on the ambulance," she said. "Is he alive?" she demanded. "Just tell me, is he alive?"
Gibbs heard something indecipherable, and the adrenaline was already swarming his body, making his skin prickle and his heart race as he waited for the answer. All he heard was Abby sob. "Abby! What did he say?" But then he was there, and he saw Abby talking to the cop, and he was shaking his head, and Gibbs refused, absolutely fucking refused to believe that Tony was dead.
Not even paying attention to how he parked the car, he was out and running toward Abby, and then she was racing toward him, and for the second time, history repeated itself as she threw herself into his arms, sobbing wildly.
Gibbs pulled out his badge and showed it to the cop. "That's one of my agents down there. What do you know?"
"He's hurt pretty bad," the cop said, not willing to go into more detail. "He was alone when we got there."
The ambulance drove up, sirens blaring刺耳地響. Gibbs let go of Abby, saying, "Stay here, I'm going down there."
"I want to come," Abby said, pleading.
"It's a crime scene," he said. "Call McGee and Ziva. Tell Ducky to meet us at the hospital." He put his hands on her shoulder. "He's alive, Abby. And you're okay." Gibbs, once again, was in Tony's debt債. All he could hope was that Tony would be around to let Gibbs pay it off. Meanwhile同時, he couldn't wait another second, and he took off down the alley, ignoring the cop who yelled after him.
Tony was lying on the ground and there were three police officers with him. Two were squatting near Tony, and one was keeping guard. Gibbs flashed his badge. "That's my agent."
The two near Tony backed off a little, allowing Gibbs to get in closer.
"These the same guys who've been raping those girls?" One of the cops asked.
"Yes," Gibbs said. He didn't really have enough information to make that declaration, but there had been four of them attacking Tony and Abby. It wasn't too much of a stretch, and if it got him more cooperation he was willing to stretch the truth as much as he needed to. He got down on his knees next to Tony. It was dark and difficult to see. Tony was curled in a fetal position, his arms loosely protecting his face and head. He felt for a pulse, overcome克服 with gratitude感激 when it readily很快地 pulsed under his fingertip指尖. "Tony, you with me?"
There was no response.
The paramedics and stretcher appeared next to Gibbs, a backboard靠背板 already in place on the ground. Unwillingly不情願地, Gibbs got out of their way. They put a neck brace on Tony and then rolled him onto his back in one, synchronized同步發生, motion. In a second, he was on the stretcher, and it was being pulled up to its full height for easy rolling.
Gibbs ran next to the stretcher, trying to get some sense of how badly Tony was hurt. It wasn't until they neared the street that Gibbs could see some of the damage done. His face wasn't as badly hurt as the other men, no doubt because Tony, knowing what was coming, had protected himself. But there was still damage. In fact, he looked achingly similar to the way Anthony had looked twenty years ago with his bruised face and blackened eyes, and one of his arms was clearly broken.
How could he not have known, he asked himself, as the stretcher hit the sidewalk where Abby was standing. Abby just stood there, eyes wide, looking like her heart was broken, watching as they loaded Tony onto the ambulance. "Can you draw sketches?" he asked Abby, wanting to catch these bastards with a vengeance.
She nodded, her eyes watching everything the paramedics were doing to secure Tony. "Two of them," she muttered. "One of them for sure."
Gibbs felt a fierce sense of righteous satisfaction; they'd picked the wrong two this time, and he'd make sure this was the last attack. "I know you want to go to the hospital, but I need you to work on those sketches. Can you do that?"
Her eyes latched onto his, bright with tears. "Will he be all right?"
Gibbs pulled her into his arms. "We already know he's tough as nails, right? Always has been." Pulling back, he asked her. "Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't he?"
She started to cry again, stuttering out, "Because he didn't want you to remember him like this."
"Stupid idiot," Gibbs said, watching as they closed the doors, sealing Tony away from his sight. "He needs to go to
The driver looked skeptical. There were several hospitals closer, and Gibbs knew they were supposed to go to the closest hospital unless directed to go elsewhere by a physician醫生 or the patient.
"I'm his boss, his emergency緊急情況 contact, and I have his power of attorney法定代理人," Gibbs said in a voice that demanded obedience服從. "Take him to
"You got it," the driver said, capitulating easily enough.