
出生地:英國 West-super-Mare,桑摩舍 Somerset


父母:父 Richard Harding Graves(音老師、音樂家),母 Mary Lousilla (née Roberts) Graves(導遊)


中學/高中 Wyvern Community School 輟學


If an actor was paid solely on how much work he did in a year, then Rupert Graves would be a millionaire many times over. It has been said many times before that he is one of the busiest thespians around, and never a more factual statement in the world of entertainment has been made.

如果演員是以一年中有多少作品來計酬的話,那麼Rupert Graves大概已經成為百萬富翁好幾次了。這也說明了他在成為百萬富翁之前是個多麼忙碌的演員,而事實上、在演藝圈中無論從哪方面來看他的確很符合這個說法。



The versatile actor.

Looking back from his beginning in television - Rupert Graves took on a small part in the cult television series, "The Return Of The Saint", in 1978, which was quickly followed by the role of Yan in an adaptation of Enid Blyton's "Five Go Down To The Sea" in 1979.


他的第一份工作是電視劇的演出-Rupert Graves在1978年時,於電視影集【The Return Of The Saint】裡演出一個小角色,緊接著在1979年,由於在電視劇中的演出使得Rupert Graves很快地便受到邀請擔任由Enid Blyton改編的【Five Go Down To The Sea】這部電影裡Yan的這個角色。

(根據本人查證,【Five Go Down To The Sea】似乎是從一部英國有名的兒童讀物所改編:The Famous Five)


This versatile English actor's CV is a history of a seemingly never ending workload.



The present count, up to and including June 2006, is an outstanding 51 film / television productions, 22 stage roles, and a variety of narrative and television advertising work. Born in the seaside resort town of Weston Super Mare (30. 06. 1963) Rupert Graves had his first taste of the show-business bug by taking part in Victorian musical nights held at Birnbeck Pier in his home town. As befits the past of all great actors, Rupert Graves did not enjoy his time at school - unable to accept the indignities of authority and it's restrictive rules.


他於1963/06/30出生在英國北部一個名為"Weston-Super-Mare"的地方。Rupert Graves第一次的演出是在他家鄉碼頭Birnbeck Pier所舉辦的音樂節目"Victorian musical nights"裡並因而開始著迷於演戲。而就像過去所有偉大的演員一樣,Rupert Graves其實並不熱衷於讀書──因為無法接受學校蠻橫強硬的作風以及諸多限制的管束。


A variety of part time employment and a mini excursion into punk rock music soon followed. Amongst others, Graves worked as a circus clown, in a chip shop, and a shoe factory. The acting blood was still in his veins however, this leading him to join a troupe with the amazing name of "Silly Billy Pickles And The Peanut Street Gang", which entertained children at Butlin's holiday camps.

離開學校不久後,緊接著Rupert的生活有了些許變化,他加入了一個龐克搖滾樂團。而在這之後,Graves曾做過馬戲團小丑、賣炸薯條、鞋廠員工等工作。然而,流動在血管中天生的演員之血,還是引領著他加入了一個有著神奇名字的劇團:Silly Billy Pickles And The Peanut Street Gang並在Butlin的假日營地表演給兒童看。

(豆瓣網備註:這些奇奇怪怪的職業,是他從15歲輟學直到1986年這段時間內經歷過的。而輟學之後,Rupert就再也沒有接受過學校專業教育了。Rupert說他對自己很滿意,因為他甚至沒有接受過任何表演方面的專業訓練,他說自己和John Cleese一樣,都是來自同個家鄉,不過不同的是他則是沒什麼唸書。



This type of experience was to stand him in good stead in the near future, as when making his stage debut in "The Killing Of Mr. Toad" at The King's Head Theatre, Rupert Graves abilities were soon noted.

這項經歷也為Rupert在不久後首次參與The King's Head Theatre(劇場名)"The Killing Of Mr. Toad"裡的演出奠立了很好的基礎,並使得Rupert Graves的演藝天分很快的便被發掘。

(豆瓣網備註:舞台劇的這一年是1983年。之後他又與Harvey Fierstein攜手演出【Torch Song Trilogy】)


Shortly after this appearence, he was offered the part of Freddy Honeychurch in the Merchant Ivory production of "A Room With A View", now regarded as a cinema classic.

在這次演出沒多久,他獲得了在Merchant Ivory所執導的電影【A Room With A View】中Freddy Honeychurch的這個角色,現在這部片也成了電影院的經典。


Graves contribution to the film was such that he was offered another part by the same producers in another classic period drama - "Maurice".

Graves對電影的另一項貢獻便是他在Merchant Ivory所執導的另一部經典電影【Maurice】中的演出。。


It was undoubtedly this film, with it's daring subject of homosexual love between two men from totally different classes, that made the name of Rupert Graves.

【Maurice】主要是在詮釋兩個完全不同階級的男人之間的愛情,而這部電影毫無疑問地讓Rupert Graves自此打響名號。情。


The film was simply a superb piece of production when the finished article left the studio, a strong cast would see to that -followed with a performance by Graves as Alec Scudder that lifted it to heights probably not expected.

這部片輕鬆地就在當時的演藝界立起了一個典範,不僅僅是因為它精采的演員表──大家的視線更注意到了飾演Alec Scudder的Rupert,這的確是始料未及的。



This controversial role, combined with his boyish good looks was to gain Graves a loyal base of fans from both sexes - and also brought about the same question from every journalist - "Are you gay?" For a period of time Graves never answered the question, deciding to let the gossips gossip, and fuelling all manner of speculation. For the record - Rupert is married to production co-ordinator, Susie Lewis, who are the proud parents of two children.


不過其實從時間上來看,當時的Rupert已經和身為製片人的老婆Susie Lewis結婚了,並且有兩個小孩。


Rupert很快地就躍入了一線男星的位置,但是他從來志不在票房,他更青睞精緻、有深度的實驗性電影。這儘管為他的星路設下了迷霧網,卻也為他贏得了大膽及獨特的讚譽,就好比強尼.戴普 Johnny Depp。)


Due to his liking for difficult roles and never fearing to go forwards in terms of stretching himself Graves may well have this type of speculation for some time to come - he played a gay character in "Torch Song Trilogy", a transvestite villain in "Open Fire", and the lover of a sex change male in "Different For Girls" - not your typical Hollywood fare.

由於他很喜歡挑戰極富難度的角色並且毫不退縮不斷磨練自我的性格,致使得Rupert後來又接了幾個同樣是同志議題電影的原因──他在【Torch Song Trilogy】中飾演一名同志;在【Open Fire】中飾演一個有扮妝癖的壞蛋;在【Different For Girls】中飾演一個愛人是變性人的人──這可不是受萊塢喜好的類型。


事實上,他在當時也幾乎是成為了男版的Helena Bonham Carter。他曾一度被侷限在那些特定的角色裡,直到人們逐漸發現他的能量遠不能侷限於那些穿著waistcoats和corsets、名叫"Cecil"或是"Clive"的角色上。

80年代末,他已經開始涉足電視劇的領域。他與Emma Thompson和Kenneth Branagh共同演出了二戰題材的電視劇【Fortunes of War】

90年代時,Rupert仍舊繼續演出古典題材作品。比如1991年再次與Helena Bonham Carter出演福斯特的作品【Where Angels Fear to Tread】。至於1997年時,他出演了改編自著名英國小說家維吉尼亞.吳爾芙的作品【Mrs. Dalloway】,並在其中扮演一位罹患「砲彈休克症」的一戰老兵,其表演令人過目難忘。)


In the majority of his work, with few exceptions the term "powerful drama" would seem to sit well with the characters portrayed by Graves.



To have a more balanced look at his work and abilities try taking a look at "Intimate Relations" with it's dark and deep humour, [Graves won the best actor award in 1996 at The Montreal Film Festival, for his role as Harold Guppy] -"The Tenant Of Wildfell Hall", with it's undertones of darkness, or the factual "Blonde Bombshell".

從更多的角度能看出他的工作以及演藝才能,例如在【Intimate Relations】可以看到他所演譯的深沉邪惡的人性(這部電影讓他獲得了1996年蒙特婁國際電影節的最佳男演員獎),以及在 【 The Tenant Of Wildfell Hall 】 亦或是根據事實改編的 【 Blonde Bombshell 】 裡他所展現得隱藏的陰鬱性格。

(豆瓣網備註:這時的Rupert是三方兼顧的。他在1999年和Billy Zane共同出演了電視劇【Cleopatra】,在劇中扮演狡猾陰險的屋大維 Octavius。舞台劇部分也在1998年演出【The Iceman Cometh】,以及1999年在百老匯的【Closer】。)


With his tremendous work output, Rupert Graves has plenty to offer - to see a comprehensive listing of his film and television work check the filmography section of the site.

在他參與演出這麼多的作品之時,Rupert Graves仍是擬定了一個計畫──整理並製作所有他曾參與演出的電視劇及電影作品之評介。


Apart from film and television Graves has a great fondness for live theatre work - indeed at the time of draft he has just finished a highly succesfull run of the Harold Pinter classic - The Caretaker (Mick) at The Comedy Theatre in London.

除了電影、電視劇外,Rupert對於舞台劇的演出有很大的興趣,事實上,他才剛結束了一場在倫敦的The Comedy劇院的演出,並極為成功的飾演【Harold Pinter classic 】裡的The Caretaker (Mick)。


His many works on stage include the highly and critically acclaimed "Midsummer Night's Dream" at The National, "Torch Song Trilogy" at The Albery, "A Madhouse In Goa" at The Lyric Hammersmith / Apollo West End, not forgetting his superb outings in "Hurlyburly" at The Geilgud, (Olivier Award Nominee) and the award winning Closer on Broadway.

他許多舞台劇的演出有極為高價的讚賞亦有極為嚴苛的批評,如在National劇院曾參與演出【Midsummer Night's Dream】、Albery劇院的【Torch Song Trilogy】、以及在The Lyric Hammersmith、Apollo West End劇院演出【A Madhouse In Goa】,另外可別忘了他在The Geilgud劇院所演出的【Hurlyburly】,這部舞台劇曾讓他獲得由百老匯所提供的Olivier Award獎項的提名。


Rupert Graves is known as a very private person, but nonetheless much liked and admired for his upfront and pleasant manner - a quality that is sadly lacking in many of today's "stars".

眾所皆知的,Rupert Graves是個非常低調的人,但他直率且藹可親的態度令人欽佩並深受喜愛。這一點很遺憾地是現在的明星所缺乏的。


2002 confirmed his busy schedule, with Graves having completed roles as Mark in the comedy feature Room To Rent, Patrick Standish in The BBC's excellent drama, Take A Girl Like You, Jefferey, in the action packed Extreme Ops, and Young Jolyon in Granada Media's acclaimed drama production of The Forsyte Saga.

2002年,Rupert的既定行程十分忙碌。他確定將在喜劇片【Room To Rent】中飾演Mark,BBC的傑出製片【Take A Girl Like You】中飾演Patrick Standish,動作片【Extreme Ops】裡演出Jefferey,以及在Granada Media所執導的影集【The Forsyte Saga】中飾演Young Jolyon。


Filming of a second series of The Forsyte Saga began in August of 2002 and shortly after, Graves also completed appearing as Dr. Frederick Treves in the Broadway production of The Elephant Man.

在2002年8月【The Forsyte Saga】第二季拍攝期間開拍不久,Graves還參與演出百老匯舞台劇【The Elephant Man】中的Dr. Frederick Treves這角色。


Graves recently returned to the west end stage as Lord Illingworth in an adaptation of Oscar Wilde's A Woman Of No Importance in September 2003, and then returned to BBC Television in Charles II - The Power & The Passion in 2004.

接著2003年9月,Rupert回到家鄉The West End Stage飾演改編自王爾德作品【A Woman Of No Importance】中的Lord Illingworth;接著2004年,他又回到BBC電視劇的行列,參與演出【Charles II - The Power & The Passion】(查理二世─權利與激情)。


Rupert has also recently completed his work as the voice of Linus, in the award winning BBC production of Pride.



2005 has seen no respite for this talented and hard working actor.

Having recently completed the feature film "Rag Tale", and a guest appearence in The BBC's acclaimed "Spooks", Rupert has now finished shooting the latest offering from The Wachowski Brothers - "V For Vendetta".


甫踏入新的一年,他完成了劇情片【Rag Tale】的拍攝工作;接著以客串角色的方式加入【Spooks】這部影集;而後Rupert在【V怪客】這部電影中客串演出,並結束了這一年。


As of June 2006, Rupert has recently finished shooting the Mary McGuckian directed "Intervention" (formerly named Funny Farm), and has also completed a new Hallmark production "Son Of The Dragon", with David Carradine and is currently filming the Frank Oz directed "Death At A Funeral".

2006年6月,Rupert陸續完成了Mary McGuckian執導的電影【Intervention】(又名【Funny Farm】)、以及與大衛.卡拉定 David Carradine(死於2009年6月3日)一同演出由a new Hallmark出品的【Son Of The Dragon】;而現在,由Frank Oz所執導的【Death At A Funeral】電影的則正開拍。


Again we go back to the very first line in this introduction to this talented young actor who once contemplated the careers of a circus clown and a punk rock musician.

Thankfully he chose otherwise.




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